We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
It was silent when Y/N finished. Not a sound was made by any of the OP beings on the cliff, "Did it wo-" Salem started before stopping when Y/N raised his hand to silence her while he looked onto the horizon with absolute concentration before a small smile cracked his lips, "Our daughter will be here in 5 4 3 2 1" He counted down before a massive earthquake hit, it was so large that the whole tomb of Nazarick felt it
In front of Y/N opened a massive portal, it was made of different elements colliding with each other, before a massive red dragon head exited it shortly followed by 4 others, to reveal a dragon that was 80 KM tall and 160 KM long...thank god the land of darkness was actually a separate realm meaning that the sky above was real and not just a decorated roof
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"Huh, she picked to come small" Y/N mumbled to himself, but he was heard by everyone on the cliff, "What do you mean by 'come small' Grandfather" Crom asked "She has always been that size since the day we were created", "Not true my dear boy, you see, she picked to be small she could actually interact with her, her true size when she was born was large enough that she could swallow the sun, without chewing, with one head...she was so cute back then t-" Y/N was saying before he was interrupted by a hand blocking his mouth
"I-i t-think t-that enough teasing dad," Tiamat said with embarrassment, in her human form "Don't need you to embarrass me in front of my kids" she finished before hugging him "It good to see you again", "Good to see you too dear," Y/N said, reciprocating the hug before she went to hug Salem, "Hello mom, sorry for not visiting earlier", "It's alright Tia, its just good to see you again, and wow have you grown tall, you're as tall as your father" (Sorry for not putting this in the BIO but Y/N is 2 meters tall and Salem is 180 cm or 6 feet for all you Americans) Salem said before slapping Tiamat over the head "AND WHAT ARE YOU WEARING YOUNG LADY!!!" She yelled
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"H-hey I am not y-young, I-I'm 7000 y-years o-old and an l-level 100 000 000 to b-boot" She tried to argue, only to snap her mouth shut when her mother sent her a withering glare, "Oh ho ho, so we leave you for 6000 years and not only do you dress practically naked, you think it's alright to backchat your Mother, are we are going to have to re-teach you everything you are supposed to know?" Salem asked with a scary aura around her, "N-N-NO PLEASE, NOT AGAIN" Tiamat yelled desperately, trying to hide behind her Father "PLEASE dad, talk sense into her" She begged before seeing Y/N look at her with the 'F*** this S**t I'm out' face, which is exactly what was going through his head at the moment
(Sorry, tried to get the song but it didn't enter)
"Ummm" Y/N said before looking at Tiamat who had a pleading look on her face, then to Salem who had a 'Don't mess with me' face, then back to Tiamat, then Salem, then Tiamat before he slowly moved out of Salems way while mouthing to Tiamat 'Daddys sorry', "NO, PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME" Tiamat yelled with a look of fear before turning to her children for help, only to see them all moving away with her Father to a safer distance 'TRAITORS' she yelled in her head before feeling a hand rest on her shoulder
"Come my dear, dear Tia, it won't be that bad, just got to teach you how to dress and behave properly," Salem said with a sugar-sweet smile. The next few minutes were filled with Tiamats screams for mercy and Salems' negative replies. Tiamats children and all other intelligent Grimm looked on in shock as the 'Mother of Monsters' was being punished by her own mother for dressing inappropriately
Half an hour later we see Salem hugging Y/Ns arm while looking at their daughter, who had her head down on the ground arms over it while in the kneeling position, busy apologizing for not coming to see them sooner, dressing wrong and talking back repeatedly asking for forgiveness, "You are forgiven Tia, just don't do it again" Salem said warningly, which got Tiamat to relax a bit
"Anyway, time to see what Ainz is doing about Shalltear," Y/N said, not at all fazed by what he just witnessed, what? he had all the memory from the lore of his character, so he had all the memory of raising her and all of Salems teachings and punishments if Tiamat got something wrong
"R-right away Grandfather" Crom replied, so as all the family started walking away Y/N gave one last command to the MASSIVE army "Half of all water-based Grimm, go start conquering the oceans and seas of this world and bring back any unique creatures, the rest go start entering the lakes and rivers of this continent with the help of the air Grimm if you don't have legs, All air Grimm, take control of the skies, but stay out of sight, land Grimm, have the Blind Worms dig tunnels to every major city of this continent and stay stationed there until further orders, dismissed" he finished before catching up with his wife and eldest daughter
When they reached Ainzs office they saw the guardians looking at the Mirror of Remote Viewing, which showed Ainz busy fighting Shalltear in Touchmes armor, they waited a while before Ainz use the Super tier spell [FALL DOWN] to eliminate her, after which he teleported into the office asking for everyone to go to the throne room, not even noticing the 8 new additions, when he finally noticed them he just looked at Y/N and Salem before shrugging and moving on
They now stood in the throne room with mountains of gold surrounding them, all of which melted and reformed into a naked Shalltear who soon woke up, not remembering a thing from when she was being controlled. Soon discussions turned to what they should do next to which Albedo suggested taking over the lizard men villages and seeing what type o undead hey would produce
"Oooooh, I like this idea" Y/N said with an evil smile, one which everyone reciprocated (except those with no mouths)
"Well...let's begin" Ainz proclaimed before bashing the base of his staff onto the ground creating a loud bang