We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
The Iron Blood ships that had gone out on the Siren hunt all stood on the pier looking in the direction from which they had come, when they were questioned by Commander Lied about it they had just stayed silent with the worry in their eyes getting larger and larger the more time pasted
Enterprise walked over and stood next to Bismark and put her hand on her shoulder in comfort, even though she didn't know what was wrong. Bismark didn't even react as she seemed to be in her own world of worry
Enterprise eventually had enough and turned Bismark to face her "Bismark, what is wrong? What happened?" she also wanted to know where their creator and father-figure was, but if Bismark was worried that toom top priority
Bismark's eyes focused on Enterprise and the mist clouding her eyes seemed to lessen, only to return tenfold as she was on the verge of breaking into tears but still managed to hold her composure, remembering the lessons Y/N taught them to use when they were sad in front of allies and foes alike
Suddenly the sound of shoes clipping on the ground was heard as Y/Ns body slowly started to materialise out of purple particles, he looked around and saw Bismark on the verge of tears, and so as any decent parent who didn't what their child sad would do, he walked up to her and gave her a hug while rubbing her back
"shh, shh, it's alright, I'm here" he whispered as Bismark started to relax in his embrace instantly recognising the voice of her father and creator. Y/N turned to look at the Iron Blood ships that were looking at him sadly
"*Sigh* Bring it in" he motioned for them to join the hug, each of them doing so with great enthusiasm, Bismark had explained to them that Y/N was their creator while they had been waiting for him to return
Y/N turned to Enterprise, who had a confused look on her face, "Please get Commander Lied for me, I have some news for her and the high command", she nodded, still confused but trusting her Father enough to do as he says without question
Y/N was sitting at a round table with all the leaders of the world once again sitting there, each anxious to hear what he wanted to speak about, some more than others, "Is everyone present?" Y/N said as he stared at the map before him on the table
The MSP did a quick headcount and role call before turning to Y/N "I believe we have everyone Lord Y/N, so if you could start what you wanted to discuss with us", Y/N nodded before looking up from the map
"The first thing I wanted to address is the Advancement of the Azur Lane project" this got a few of the people present to start murmuring but were silenced by Y/Ns glare, making them cower in their seats
Y/N continued "The 'ships' have all gotten combat experience and will soon be able to begin their mission of battling the Sirens, which brings me onto the second matter, I have managed to lower down all Siren attack productivity and efficiency for at least the next half a year, do not ask how for I shall not say"
While most accepted this there were still those who didn't trust him and wanted to know exactly what he had done but they held their peace as they knew they would be killed if they said anything against him
"The 3rd matter is once again related to the 'ships', the ships have broken themselves into factions, those factions being the Royal Navy for the British ships, the Eagle Union for the Americans, Iron Blood for the Germans, the Sakura Empire for the Japanise, the Northan Parliament for the Russians and a few more"
Y/Nlooked at all the leaders and their advisors "They have done this so that they can serve their nations and be deployed there if sirens attack their country, but their main base is Azur Lane, the island that I created for them to live on meaning that if they want they may always return to that base, even against your orders if they deem it within reason, Azur Lane will act as an independent nation that serves all other nations well being"
"My 4th topic is for when I am gone, no one is allowed to harm, blackmail, cheat, manipulate, rape, or even touch a single Azur Lane ship, if I find out that anyone has done any of these things I will personally add you to the list of souls in my twisted army" Y/N summoned an example for them
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"A mindless puppet for me to use till the end of time and beyond, you may go" Y/N said to the creature, who bowed before departing in a blast of cold wind "You may be wondering 'That doesn't sound half bad compared to the torcher of hell', but you would be wrong, those creatures still have a soul inside them, they're just into much pain to do anything"
One of the Y/N hater group members shot up and pointed an accusing finger at Y/N "You are a monster! You treat life as though it means nothing and show no remorse for the souls you harm! You are evil and need to die! What you do is against many laws, you will be brought to justice!"
Y/N just stared at the man with blank eyes before speaking "Since when does a god bow to the laws of men", the entire room turned to pitch black with the only light being on the man who had accused Y/N
"and as for the monster bit? Well... I have no defence" the light went out as the screams of a dying man were heard, several seconds later the light retired to normal, blinding everyone from the sudden brightness of the midday sun
where the politician once stood was now a 2.5-meter monster made of blood, its heavyweight leaving cracks on the floor, its eyes looking forward blankly, everyone looked to the blank-faced Y/N who pointed to a random guard
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"Shoot it" Y/N said, "excuse me si-", "Shoot the damn thing!"n Y/N commanded forcefully, the soldier gulped "Yes my lord", the guard turned to the monster and opened fire, but the monster didn't even react, it just stood there
A while after the bullets stopped flying Y/N turned to the monster "Go join the blood spawn near the High elf capital, and use those bullets so generally given to if needed" the creature nodded before walking through the whole Y/N cut with his sword
He looked around the room at the horrified leaders faces "Anyone else got something to say?"