We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
Y/N was just finishing up the touches on his ship when there was a knock on the door, he looked back at it with a confused face before looking at the prototype clock he had set up and realised the time
"OH, come in!" he said as he started moving a bunch of boxes around. The door opened and in came Acies came in and looked around at all the boxes with a confused face "Umm, Grand, what are all these boxes for?" she asked as she put her hand in and pulled out a glowing blue data crystal in the form of a square
Y/Ns face lit up as he dashed toward her at light speed "These are data crystals as you can probably tell, to us these are near useless seeing as we are gods, but to the humans, we will be visiting? This will be their salvation from destruction"
Although she didn't understand her Great Grandfathers plan she still nodded as a way of showing support, Y/N saw this and gave her a head pat with a smile on his face "Alright, this trip will be used to both benefit me and my plans, but it will also be used to help you get used to your powers as a new god"
Acies nodded before Y/N picked up the crates and stored them in his inventory and cut a hole into the fabric of space and time while holding the book of the world they were visiting in his hand
A portal opened and showed outer space on the either side, Y/N looked at Acies with a smile "come on, let's get moving" and with that they both jumped in and started floating in space, or at least Acies did as Y/N just hovered in the same spot
Y/N reached out and grabbed Acies by her shoulder and brought her down next to his "Alright, we are going to do your first test as a goddess, I want you to create the ships you drew for me, we will start with one and then do the others, ready?"
Acies took a deep breath before nodding in confirmation and stretching her arm out, several seconds late a large ship started to come into existence, it was 10 kilometres long and had large amounts of cannons all over, all though it looked more like a carrier than a battleship
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"Well done!" Y/N praised before motioning for her to summon the next one, she nodded before once again concentrating and having a slightly smaller ship appear
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"Good, good, now one last ship and then we will be done" Y/N said with a very proud smile on his face, "If you say so" Acies said before once again concentrating and summoning the last ship, this one surpassed the first one in length as it was 15 kilometres long and even had flight decks
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"You did good kid, you did good," Y/N said as he waved his hand through the...air? Through the space before him and duplicated all the ships till there 30 of each and he even summoned his own ship, which was only 20 kilometres long
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Acies jaw dropped at the display of power Y/N had just done but snapped out of it when she remembered what her father told her before she left
"Remember dear, no matter how normal you Great Grandfather may seem or act, he is always doing more than what you can see, do not try to comprehend what he could do, for it will only end with you having a massive headache and no real answer"
Flashback end
Acies followed her GGF into the ship he had made before they both made their way to the control room without encountering anything living
when they reached the control room Y/N walked in and sat at the commander's seat and motioned for her to sit at a smaller chair next to his "Come, it is time we go to Earth and help the humans" and so, all the ships in the armada turned in the direction of earth and set off
On earth, leaders room
All the leaders of earth sat around a large round table in Americas White house, the leader of Britain, Winston Churchill, stood up to speak "I think we are all in agreement when I say we can put a hold on our war so that we may fight off these alien invaders, as loathed as I am to admit it" he received many nods of agreement from around the table
"I agree mitt ze Tea drinker, ve must vork togezzer, but vhat schall ve do, hm? ve are out powered undt haf been pusched out ze sea efen mitt our mighty schips" Adolf Hitler said from the table
"We will find a way, as a united world" Franklin D. Roosevelt said "But we must put aside our differences to do so" again everyone nodded, they discussed how they would push back the aliens for hours but none could come up with a way to win
Until a voice spoke up from the shadows "I believe my emperor will be able to help you with that" *Clank* *Clank* from the shadow walked a 17-year-old with robotic legs, red eyes that looked into one's soul and wore a black and bronze bodysuit (She doesn't have her weapons out)
"And who are you, little girl?" Stalin asked only to lean backwards when a floating droid flew up to his face with its little claws clicking at him, he looked back at the girl who had a blank expression "Never, and I mean never, call me little girl you silly human"
"What do you mean when you say 'human' are you not human yourself ma'am" Churchhill said like the British gentleman he is, the girl looked at him with the never-changing blank face, until a vicious smirk spread across her lips
"I am no human, I am a god whose emperor has decided to help you" her face returned back to neutral when she saw all the pale faces the leaders gained from her smirk "Anyway, my emperor will see you now, if you could all follow me" she then cast gate and walked through
The leaders all looked at each other before getting up and following the mysterious girl into the portal