2 More Servants

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So... I went a little bit overboard yesterday and wrote 6 chapters, so I will be posting quicker for a while, so once every 2 days till I say otherwise


"*Cough, cough* Father? Sisters? Where are you!" Raven yelled as she looked over ruins, the sky had a green tint and after about 5 kilometres everything went black. She saw some movement to her right and saw Snow being carried by the goddess they had saved while zombies were starting to love ruble around

 She saw some movement to her right and saw Snow being carried by the goddess they had saved while zombies were starting to love ruble around

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She looked to have taken some massive damage to the head as she had been in a far better state when they had freed her. Raven watched as she weakly ordered one of the zombies to forward, this one was carrying a knocked out Blake, 'Seems we can still take damage from structures falling on us' she thought

Skella gently laid Blake and Snow by Raven's feet before sitting down and passing out herself. Raven looked at the now-dead (A/N: Hehe) still zombies, she looked around some more but had her attention drawn to the horizon where she saw a large dragon flying towards her

It landed in front of her as she was the size of its claw. It looked down at her with a fierce glare and got ready to pounce on her but stopped when a massive boulder shattered against its scales hardly doing any damage

 It looked down at her with a fierce glare and got ready to pounce on her but stopped when a massive boulder shattered against its scales hardly doing any damage

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"Who dares throw a pebble at me!" it questioned in a feminine regal voice. The only answer it received was when 5 more boulders came flying out of a fog and crashed all over its body, pushing the dragon back

"Come out coward! are are you afraid to be defeated!" The fire all over the dragon's body flared up in challenge, only to be diminished when a bolt of red struck it in the chest, pushing it back with a massive wound in the chest that just barely missed its heart

Her father walked out of the fog carrying what looked to be a gun of sorts, largely different from the one Yang used as this one looked sleeker

Her father walked out of the fog carrying what looked to be a gun of sorts, largely different from the one Yang used as this one looked sleeker

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