First Battle

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"Man the walls!" "Their getting in!" "What the hell are these things- Ahhh!", Aryan listen to the  wood elves screams from behind her defences, she had already issued her commands and was waiting to see how the wood elves acting general, due to her slaying the actual one,  would respond

The had arrived at the Wood-elves capital during night and had sent her forces to attack straight away while the wood elve guards were busy relaxing as they were not expecting anything to happen on this night

They had broken through the walls quickly had had instantly started killing or capturing all the wood elves they saw until they had taken control of the entire city except for the citadel where the king and queen lived

The wood elf troops had been ill-prepared for any form of combat against the heavily armoured dark elves and their monstrous allies, Aryan was almost sorry for them, almost

"Milady, the king has stepped onto the balcony and is preparing to address us" Gaurder, her loyal knight, broke her from her thoughts and as he said the king of the wood elves was now looking down at her with slight amounts of fear but it was over...

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"Milady, the king has stepped onto the balcony and is preparing to address us" Gaurder, her loyal knight, broke her from her thoughts and as he said the king of the wood elves was now looking down at her with slight amounts of fear but it was overshadowed by his disgust for the Blood Parasites

"Milady, the king has stepped onto the balcony and is preparing to address us" Gaurder, her loyal knight, broke her from her thoughts and as he said the king of the wood elves was now looking down at her with slight amounts of fear but it was over...

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"Aryan, I would say it was nice to see you again but that would be a very poor lie!" he shouted down for her to hear, "It is quite alright Andriel for I understand your anger at being attacked unprepared!" She said back with a smirk

Andriel frowned "And why have you attacked us with such abominations as the Corrupted? Have you no pride?", Aryan grit her teeth "I have pride, but pride is often what gets one killed in the war so I have put it aside, besides, why turn down valuable allies that could help me finally end this stupid war?"

"Haha, I wouldn't disagree, you dark elves are thinks of evil" He jabbed but Aryan just smiled cruelly "I wouldn't disagree, but why don't you come down and fight alongside your men in battle, are you too much of a coward?"

Andriel's frown deepened "You overwhelmed the majority of my troops in less than 2 hours, coming out would be suicidal, however, I have got something for you to fight, a gift from our god" he turned away as the gates started to slowly open and reveal the Wood elf kings 5-meter surprise for them

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