You disappoint me

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3rd person POV

"Well ..that was..." Salem said, not quite sure what to say after the...performance...of the Warrior captain, "Embassasing, boring lackluster," Y/N supplied, putting his hand over his face in embarrassment "honestly, I was expecting at least a little entertainment", "Now, now, don't put him down...I'm sure he can still improve" Ainz said looking for a positive outlook on the fight that they had just witnessed

"I am sorry Lord Ainz, but I must agree with my parents on this and say that it was entertaining" Raven said looking towards the fight from the window "but I degrees, humans are weak and frail creatures", Albedo nodded her head to the statement Raven made

"W-well, anyway, time for us to switch places" Ainz said before using the spell he cast on the 'charm' he gave the Warrior Captain, the next second they were face to face with the 'Sunlight Scripture', as Stronof had called them, lead by Nigun

"Hohoho, what is this" Nigun said after getting over the shock of 5 people appearing where Captain Stronof once was "5 warriors and an undead, who was the one who summoned this fowl monstrosity" he said looking over them from his little mountain, "I would like it if you didn't call me  a monstrosity" Ainz replied

Nigun was in even more shock 'since when could an undead speak' he thought while looking at Ainz but before he could comment on this Y/N spoke up "Sooo, is that your strongest angel or do you have a better one that could actually entertain us" He said while looking disapprovingly at the Principality Observation, to which everyone besides Raven and Salem looked at him like he was mad "What?" he asked looking at all of them, to which Ainz and Nigun sweatdropped

"W-well since you asked for it I shall sumMON THE MOST POWERFUL ANGEL" Nigun said before bringing out a sealing crystal "The angel in here was left to us by our 6 great gods and could even slay one of the demon gods" He proudly proclaimed, showing off the glowing crystal, "The most powerful angel huh, Albedo protect me, if he summons what I think he will, we will be in big trou-" "Ahem"  Ainz was saying before being cut off by a cough from Y/N, which made Ainz remember that his friend was LITERALLY LVL 610! "Ahh, excuse me Y/Nn I forgot you could one-shot almost everything that has a health bar, even without Scaraceus", "I forgive you, NOW NIGUN ARE YOU GOING TO SUMMON THE ANGEL OR STAND THERE ALL DAY LOOKING PRETTY" Y/N said before looking at Nigun

"YOU DARE, ALRIGHT HERE IT COMES [SUMMON DOMINION ATHORITY]" Nigun chanted before starting to show off "Are you afraid, it can't be helped when facing the strongest Angel, now I will give you one last chance to s-", however, he was cut off by Salem "Really, just...really..." she sighed in disappointment before looking to her husband "I assume your gonna go overboard and summon an upper-tier Grimm, just to put this man in his place", "Honestly, I'm too disappointed to even care, if anything I'll just use this angel as a host for a Grimm summon, however," Y/N responded before looking at the angel while raising his hand "I'll just do this [Grimm fear V]" Y/N cast, [Grimm fear] is similar to Aura of despair however it is a racial skill and has the effect that at LVL V it has a chance of summoning a high tier, Grimm

The angels lost all their light and started to twist and turn while transforming into something...unholy "Huh, would you look at that, a Komodusk Magnus" Salem said looking at the now Dragon-type Grimm "And in it is quite large, honestly I was expecting a Grimm Blood Raider or something like that", "Hmmm, the holiness of the summon must have given it more power than expected Mother" Raven said looking at the large dragon "Although it is one of the smaller dragons in your arsena-"

"SMALLEST?!" Nigun yelled in fear, looking at how the 'Greatist Angel' had been transformed into something the size of the Platinum dragon lord and still be called small, "Yes well anyway, Komodusk Magnus, kill everyone except Nigun, we need him for questioning" Y/N said to the large Grimm, to which it turned around to look at the Sunlight Scripture, "WHAST ARE YOU WAITING FOR, SEND IN THE ANGELS!?" Nigun, yet again, yelled at the magicians under his command

All the angels were sent at the large Grimm, even Principilaty Observation, but they were all destroyed on a second when the Grimm swiped its tail at them, shattering them into a bunch of light particles, which left the magicians in an even bigger state of fear which led to them trying to run away, but it was all for naught as the Grimm shot a breast of blue fire at them, burning the bodies till all that was left was ash

"Aaah" Raven pouted "They didn't scream", "What kind of monster is your daughter, that she can see people incinerated and pout at not getting to hear them scream" Ainz asked, a little disturbed at how calmly his friends were at there daughter for wanting to hear the screams of dying men, "He, shes sadistic like me, that's all" Y/N responded before walking up to Nigun and grabbing him by the hair "Now let's get this mongrel to the tomb"

10 minutes later they were back at the village saying good bye to the captain, "I can't tell you how thankful I am, and even if I don't believe that you are gods, I can acknowledge that you are VERY powerful" Stronof said, "You can believe what you want Stronof, just be aware it might be your downfall" Raven responded before shutting up after getting a glare from her mother

"Well I must be off to report this" Ganzaf said before riding off, "Ok, so I was thinking of leaving the death knight along with the Grimm Garam and Komodusk here to guard this place, and before you ask why, I would like this place to be capital to our Empire once it is made" Ainz said looking at Salem and Y/N, looking for their ok to leave their Grimm here, "I think that's a great idea, we can even send a Grimm battalion here to help build the city as well as defend it" Salem responded, "Well if my wife agrees, I have no problem with it" Y/N said before turning to his daughter

 "And Raven, I will be certain to reward you for this, tell me what you would like and I shall see if I can get it done", "If it is alright father I would like Rose, Snow, Yang and Blake to pose as adventurers, then they can get us information and get out the tomb and enjoy some killing, even if it is just mindless beasts" Raven responded, "Not a bad idea, but you must ask them if they would like to do it" Y/N responded, "Of coarse Father"

As they were leaving, the chef came to say goodbye "Thank you for saving our village oh merciful gods, we would like to know if it is alright to make a temple to you?" he asked, "That would be splendid, its been so long since we have been worshipped and it's taking a toll on our health" Salem responded, outright lying, to convince the chief it was a good idea "Besides that, we will be sending some of our troops to defend your village and help you rebuild it better than ever"

"Thank you so much" The chief said, falling to his knees in a kneeling position, "Think nothing of it" Y/N said before they all walked away, but before they left Ainz went and gave Enri 2 junk items, then they opened a portal and teleported home

(A/N: hello everyone, thanks for checking out my latest chapter, enjoy your day, and remember the pole ends on 4 hours (it's in the previous chapter) so please go and comment what you want because it is currently a tie, besides from that, enjoy you day😄)

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