We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
When they emerged on the other side they dropped into crouched positions and started silently walking forward till they saw the entrance to the tomb, they had already transported past the first barrier, so the only knights here would be the highest training guards
The entrance to the cave was in a forest but was dug into the side of a cliff and in all honesty looked far more evil than a tome leading to a holy goddess should look
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Around the entrance stood around 10 massive men 3 meters tall, their armour looked to be mad of Eldonite metal and so to were their weapons and shields, they to looked more evil than holy but that could just be to scare off the intruders that may try rob the grave
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The knights were doing their patrols when a man in full plate armour that stood 6 feet walked out the cave and started talking to one of the knights "Has anyone tried to get in?" He asked in a deep voice, "No Lord Vengeance, there has been no sighted intruders" One of the knights responded, "Good, now, you two-" he stopped when there was an unnatural rustle in the bushes, he drew one of the two swords on his hip and his entire armour started glowing red
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He quickly spun on his heel and threw the sword into the bushes where there was then a loud thud, when one of the knights pulled the bushes apart there were two men dressed as rangers that had the sword go through one's chest and the tip through the other one's head
Vengeance held his hand up as his sword flew back to his hand "Keep a better lookout next time and will one of you send me the chief of the outer defence at the end of the day", the knight nodded before the man walked back into the cave