We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
After collecting the skulls and ears from the Harpies the 3 'adventurers' started making their way to the guild to collect their money. When they walked in with 3 massive bags filled with the body parts of the creatures, all heads turned to look at them in shock, "Here are 25 basilisk fangs, 10 Ogre ears and 60 skeleton skulls with 2 lichs coats" Y/N said, presenting the parts to the same receptionist as a couple of days ago, "Y-yes, s-so do you w-want to s-sell them?" she asked, scared of the 2 people who could kill 25 basilisk on their own, "If you wouldn't mind" Y/N responded
"Not at all" the receptionist said before calculating the reward "For the fangs it is 10 gold each, which is equal to 250 gold plus the offered reward which is another 20 gold, for the ogre ears, that is 5 gold each, which means that it is 50 gold plus the reward of 10 gold, for the skeletons it is 20 copper a skull which means that adds up to 120 copper, and finally, the 2 lich coats are equal to 25 gold each, which means your total reward is..." the receptionist gulped "3-350 g-gold and 120 copper and the completed tasks take you up to Mythril rank"
"huh...neat" Y/N commented while picking up the coins, "I-is there anything else you require" the receptionist asked, "Yes, we would like to add our companion to the team" Salem said while pointing at Nagini who stood proud with all the eyes looking at her, some with lust and others with fear
"Of course, let me fetch the plate" The receptionist started walking off before she turned around and asked another question "What would you like your team name to be?", Salem and Y/N looked at each other before nodding and looking back at the receptionist "Team Grimm" They responded as one, "alright, let me just enter the name in the records book" she responded before looking back up at them "Is there a meaning behind the name" she asked, interested to know where they got the name from
"It is the name of an old species of creature, who were made by the first gods of this world, it is said that the strongest Grimm could destroy a continent all on its own" Y/N responded, "A-and w-w-where did y-you hear t-this," the receptionist asked, everyone in the guildhall was terrified of the thought of something so powerful existing, "Easy...we met the Gods who made them, they have recently reawoken, and plan to take back their old kingdom along with their good friend and leader...Death" Salem responded before walking to the adventures board to look for new quests to take "and they are going to do it soon"
Everyone who heard what she said (Except Y/N and Nagini) had pissed their pants, some had even fainted, "W-why s-s-should w-we b-believe y-you" a random adventurer asked, "Believe what you want" Salem responded "Just don't blame me when they come take back their rightful kingdom and you have to fight them"
"Why would you name your selves after such creatures," the receptionist asked, "Simply? they are the only gods we believe in" Y/N said before selecting three new tasks "we'll be doing these he said, after receiving a nod from the receptionist, all 3 left the building, leaving a bunch of terrified men and women
Once outside Nagini asked about the tasks they would be doing, "1st we must go kill 3 small wyverns busy terrorizing little town north of here for 100 gold and the hide can be sold for 50 gold each, then we must go and kill some beastmen who are sneaking into the kingdom for 20 gold, and last we must go slay a large earthworm in the dwarven kingdom for 10 diamonds that the dwarves will provide us with, it says they will also give us free use of there best forge for 1 week which is what I really want to use" Y/N informed both of them, "Why would you like to use their forge My King" Nagini asked him, "To see if I can craft a divine class bow for you since you are an assassin" he responded
When they reached a hill outside the kingdom that hid them from the guards on the gates view, Salem called bach the Harpies, who divebombed towards them out of the clouds, "I want you to go complete the beastmen task" she said, after they left the 2 Grimm gods and their subordinate teleported towards the Dwarven Kingdom
When they got there Y/N summoned a 5 LVL 85 Grimm Blood Raiders "Go to the village and kill the 3 wyverns, when you are done capture all the humans and take them to Demiurge for his experiments, make it look like the wyverns ate them, when you are done with that come find us in private and give us the wyverns eyes and bodies, I want to use them for experiments in the forge" He commanded before turning towards Nagini
"I want you to try summon some normal basilisk to hunt down and kill the Earth Worm, this will be practice for you as the Basilisk Mother" He commanded after the Blood Raiders left, "Of course my lord" She responded before casting her spell "[TRIPPLE SUMMON...HIGH TIER BASALISKS]" she cast, after which 3 LVL 85 white basilisks burst out the ground, "Well done my dear" Salem complemented, which made Nagini beam with pride "Now send them in to hunt the Earth Worm", "Right away My Queen" Nagini said before turning to her summons "Well, you heard the Queen, go kill the monster that stands between our rulers and fame"
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After the basilisk left Nagini turned to her masters and asked a question that had been bugging her "Excuse me if this sounds rude masters, but if I am a lower Megga tier level at LVL 500, then what is your level", "Hmmm, good question Nagini, you see, we gain all the experience may of our subordinates gather, which means with you going from LVL 300 to LVL 500, Salem and I both gained 200 LVLs from you alone, plus the levels of all our summons have gathered we have risen 250 LVLs, which currently puts me at LVL 860, while Salem is now LVL 850" Y/N said casually before realizing what he said "HOLY S**T WE'RE ABOVE LEVEL 800"
Nagini was in awe at the over of her gods and was happy to know that she alone raised them 200 levels, "Well...this is definitely going to make us unstoppable on a whole other level" Salem said in shock
"Hehehehe hahaha HAHAHAHAHA" Y/N laughed like a mad demon, if anyone else besides Salem, Nagini and maybe his daughters heard it they would have run in fright "Well...this certainly puts a smile on my face"
(Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed the latest chapter, and hope to see you all next time, until then, enjoy)
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