We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
"Soooo... where is Ainz?" Y/N had gotten back from his trip at Esdeaths castle, a lovely place, by the way, only to find that Ainz wasn't there. Now usually this wouldn't be very important but at the moment Y/N wanted to have a quick chat with Ainz about how he had found Frozen Death and wanted to give it to Esdeath so she can pick herself a champion to wield it or just keep it as a trophy
"He is currently in the Baharuth Empire gaining the loyalty of the head mage, a man named Fluer, so that he can orchestrated for the Empire to invade Nazarick, therefor giving us a valid reason to reveal ourselves as our own nation" Demiurge informed while doing a gentlemanly bow
"I see, when he gets back please inform him I would like to speak to him immediately, had has to do with an item I found" Demiurgedid a bow before walking off do whatever he does in his free time "Mhmm, may as well get my own spy in the Empire" Y/N said with a casual shrug before teleporting to the house of someone he had had his eyes on for a long time now
Baharuth Empire
Y/N appeared in a house Arwintar, the first district of the Empire, near the emperor's palace. It seemed like no one was home so he did a little exploring, he found a bedroom at the top floor and everything looked normal, from the gold-trimmed curtains, to the queen-sized bed, the only thing off was that the mirror on the dresser was shattered, as though someone was really angry at their appearance and took it out on the mirror
Exploring awhile longer he found a Diary eloquently named 'Diary of revenge'. Yes, very fitting. he found a lovely balcony that overlooked the streets below were many fancy dressed people walked and talked like any normal day, if only they knew that their precious empire would soon be no more, some of them may even lose all that they own if they resist Ainz rule
He walked to a couch in the lounge downstairs before sitting down on the soft cushions and summoning a glass of Red wine "Mmm, wonder if I could make my own wine brand, 'Grimm Wine', yes, very catchy" he murmured while waiting for his guest, or was he the guest considering it was their hours? "By Gods, what have I been eating lately, all these weird thoughts and ideas, its as though I've been getting high? Mmm, Grimm weed, now THAT will sell... wait... WHAT? Okay, let's not do that idea, Salem, would kill me... along with the paperwork" Y/N shudder a tiny bit, he could father beasts that could destroy the universe (Or do it himself), he could face monsters that would make a normal man commit suicide at the sight of it, HELL, he could be thrown into a black hole and not be scared, but the second Salem or paperwork came into the equation he was OUT
A few minutes later he heard the door rattle as someone unlocked the door and walked in, it was a female with straight blond hair that covered the right side of her face, she had green eyes and wore the special armour given to the Emperors royal guard. This was Leinas Rockbruise, and Y/N had the perfect thing to get her on his side willingly
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Leinas demanded when she saw Y/N sitting on her couch, swirling a glass of red wine, "Me? Well, my name is Y/N Grimm, Miss Rockbruise I have a proposition for you and I guarantee you will like it" Y/N spoke in a silky voice that instantly calmed her down, it wasn't even a skill just his natural ability with words which would get almost anyone to agree with him... except Salem, she was immune to it the second they had met
"And what would this deal be?" Leinas ask far calmer than a few seconds ago, "I offer to remove the curse on the right side of your face as well as revenge on your wayward fiance, all I want in return is for you to serve me with your utmost devotion, you would be my servant, a spy in the Empire and when I have conquered it, a refugee to the Slane Theocracy, if you do not like the terms of this deal I can leave you right now and remove the memories of this meeting. So what do you choose Mrs Rockbruise?"
She had nearly been sold, she just had a few questions for him "First I would like to ask some questions" Y/N waved his hand in a 'go on' motion "Who are you that you can remove my curse when even Fluer can't, how can you guarantee my safety, how will you conquer the empire, why would you offer me this and not someone else?"
Y/N waited to see if she was done with asking her questions before answering "First, I am Y/N Grimm, Primordial of Grimm and all things Dark and evil, I have much power in magic and seeing as you have a dark curse on you I can remove it on a whim, the next two is the same as the first, I am a god, the last one, you have something to gain, and although I might be cruel, I do enjoy helping people who deserve it"
It took a little while for her to overcome the shock that one gain from meeting a god of Darkness but when she had herself under control she agreed, "Excellent, now, shake my hand" Y/N Commanded, holding out his right hand. She took off her armoured glove and grabbed his hand in a firm grip when their hands but into blue fire, somehow she instantly knew what this fire was and what it could do, "ITS A DEAL" Y/N said as his voice gained a slight buzz
A trail of blue fire turned black before falling limply onto her arm and started extending upwards, under her armour, up the side of her neck and stopping when it reached the curse that deformed the right side of her face. She felt no fear at the fire, it was almost comforting in a way, as it started to burn the curse off her face but she felt no pain from the prosses until all that was left was a scar going over her eye
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"I have given you the power to raise normal undead fro the low to high-tier undead, you can perform blood magic and your powers will be doubled during a full moon, quadrupled during a red moon, and octupled during a solar or lunar eclipse" Y/N informed her while sitting down again after summoning a full-body mirror "You are now the goddess of death and can change back into your original form whenever you wish", Leina kneeled before him to ask a question
"My lord, if I am the Goddess of death, why do I feel a higher being than myself?"She was really confused by this, if there was a higher being at death than her it might be harmful to her master, and as his subject she must protect him with her life, "Ah, do not worry, that is nearly Ainz, he is not really the god of death per se, more like Primordial or more appropriately, death itself, you would be in the same league as Hades, my great-grandson, and just above Thanatos the collector of souls"
"I understand my lord", "Good, now when you are in the public use your human form seeing as you are now both undead and a divine. I will come to you when I want the information, your mind has been exhilarated, so you will not need to write anything down unless you wish to, I will also give you the location of you ex-fiance when I next visit" she nodded in response to which he flashed away and landed in front of Ainz, who was sitting by his desk