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"WAIT, WHAT" Momonga yelled out to the throne room "WHAT'S GOING ON" he started getting hysterical when suddenly a green light surrounded him and he calmed down.

"Momonga, you alright?" Salem asked. "I am now, but how aren't YOU freaking out over this" Momonga asked her before a look of concern passed over her face "Why should I be freaking out? The devs probably just pushed the server shutdown by a bit, right Y/N" She said turning to her husband only to see a look of concentration on his face

"Ahm...Salem...There were no facial features in YGGDRASIL...and if you look there is no longer a hub bar...not to mention I've tried to contact the GMs already...there is no response" Y/N said to his wife with a straight face. 

Just as Momonga was about to start panicking again an angelic voice interrupted them. "Is everything alright my lords and lady?" the voice said. The three players instantly snapped to attention and looked from where the voice came from.

Mamonga noticed Albedo looking at them with a look of concern on her face, but before he could answer Y/N cut him off with a cold answer and voice, "Everything is alright Albedo, we just believe that something has happened to the Great Tomb of Nazarick and are trying to find out what happened, so if you would kindly not interrupt us again unless asked a question" 

Albedo instantly knelt again while trembling a bit at being reprimed by one of her lords "Of coarse, excuse my interruption" she said in a small voice

"You are excused," Salem said while sending her husband 'the eye' for being a tab bit cruel towards Albedo. "Alright, aside from that" Momonga said while turning towards Sebus "SEBAS" "Yes my Lord," Sebas asked while looking up "Take 2 of the Pleiades and go explore the surroundings of Nazarick, go no further than 2 Kilometers and if you find intelligent life do not engage, if you are spotted first, however unlikely, invite them to the Tomb so we may question them," Momonga said. "It shall be done my Lord" Sebas said before walking off Lupis Regina and Nabral Gamma (A/N: tell me if I got their names wrong in the comments please)

"The rest of the Pleiades, go and guard the 9th floor in case of intruders," Momonga said "MY LORD" they responded before they to walked off to their position. "NPC should not be able to take such complicated instructions, nor should they be able to leave the tomb" Y/N noted lazily before turning to his wife and Momonga "I think we have found our selves in a rather complicated situation"

Out of the corner of her eye, Salem saw her daughter Rose rais he hand "Yes Rose, what would you like to say" she asked, "May I also go and explore the outside, with my speed I could check a 5-kilometer radius in the time it would take Sebas to check 2?" Rose asked her mother in a rather childish voice before Salem could respond to the idea, Snow hit Rose over the head and looked at her with disapproval "No you duce! If Mother or Father hasn't said anything on lord Momongas plan, we should not question it!" Rose seemed to have realized her 'mistake' because she looked at the floor while being disappointed in herself for not thinking that before she asked. "Sorry for interrupting with my question Supreme Ones" she said

"Ahem" Momonga coughed into his hand "Well anyway, Albedo would you please go and fetch all the guardians except Victim and Garcantium and take them to the 6th floor in 1 hour" He asked "Of course my lord" Albedo replied before walking off to complete her task

"Daughters, if you could please make your way there as well, we will be teleporting with our rings," Y/N asked, after receiving a "YES FATHER" from them, he teleported to the 6th floor with his friend and wife "Well that was certainly interesting," He said while walking towards the callosum down the hallway they found themselves in.

"While I must agree, you were a little cruel towards Albedo" Momonga said, "While that may be true, it will stop her from questioning us for a while and make things easier on us and keeps the others in line with their questions" Y/N responded "But now we have to decide what type of image we shall portray to the dynasties of Nazarick"

"What do you mean by that my husband?" Salem asked, "Simply put, we must decide how we want to be seen, an example would be Momonga, he should go for the strong leader type that knows almost everything and has little that fazes him, for me, I shall be the strict but rewarding type of ruler, even though I am Momongas right-hand and will do the paperwork for him which means I will do most of the decisions on how to run the tomb while Momonga decides what we must do" Y/N explained

They walked in silence for a bit before exiting into the colosium "If I remember correctly Aura and her brother Mare should be the guardians of this floor" Momonga said to himself while looking around "So where ar-"

He was interrupted when Aura jumped out of the podium box, did a flip and landed it perfectly while doing a victory sign with her fingers before running towards them at speeds that you would think she was as fast as Rose

"Welcome my Lords and Lady, to the 6th floor of Nazarick," She said excitedly "Hello Aura, we will only be intruding for a little while" Salem responded to the LVL 100 Dark Elf, "Intruding? You grace us with your presence, you would never be considered intruding, everything in the tomb belonged to the Supreme ones, and you will always be welcomed by me and my brother" Aura said passionately

"Mmmmm...speaking of which," Momonga said looking around. Aura, realizing what her lord was asking, turned towards the podium and yelled to it "MARE! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU'RE DISRESPECTING THE SUPREME ONES" "But I'm scared" responded Mares voice, "MARE" Aura yelled again, "Alright, I'm coming down" He yelled back before jumping down, It wasn't as impressive as Auras jump but was still impressive that he could land it from that hight "H-hello my L-lords and Lady, h-how may w-w-we be of a-assistan-nce" He asked

"We will only be here for a little while, we have called the other guardians here for a meeting, we believe something has happened to the Great Tomb of Nazarick" Momonga replied "However while we wait we would like to test some of our spells if that is alright with you?" Salem asked the twins

"Of course, let us get some dummies set up for you to test on" Aura said, excited to see the power of the supreme ones

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Momonga showing off the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown to chibi Aura and Mare

After the dummies were set up Ainz practised summoning an LVL 70 Primal Fire Elemental. After a successful summoning, he asked Aura and Mare if they would like to fight it, to which Aura dragged Mare into doing. While this was happening Y/N and Salem were discussing what they were going to summon.

"I say we summon a Harpy," Salem said, however, Y/N had other plans, "I say we summon a Grimm Garam" He replied, "But why? Salem asked, "To see if our units can take orders and follow them through" He responded, Salem just sighed with a smile on her face and gave her husband the go-ahead, Y/N leaned forward and gave a kiss

"Hey you two, you gonna try your summon now" Momonga called, Y/N gave a thumbs up and walked forward


(A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for reading, and please comment and tell me if you have any ideas for summons or just what you want to see)

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