We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
'This is not what I was expecting' Y/N thought as he looked at the Eldonian Goddess in front of him. Said goddess was sitting on her spiderlike legs, glaring at Y/N with absolute hatred in her eyes, the surprising thing was that she was more powerful than both of the previous gods he had seen as she was LVL 500, while no match for him it was still a surprisingly high number
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The 2 gods stared at each other for a long while with Aryan and Leanis shifting nervously by their sides "So... you actually came 'Creator of Darkness'" The spider woman said in a clipped tone, her voice making light clicking sounds as she spoke
"That I have, may I know who it is who summons me in my time off work?" Y/N asked in a natural voice, you never know what your... guest would offer if you don't keep a calm head. The goddess of the Eldonian council stared at him in loathing as she walked right into his personal space to intimidate him, not that it worked considering she was 180cm and he was 2 meters
"I am Arachne, goddess of the deep earth and all that lives in it." she continued with an angered tone, "And what do you wish to say to me?" Y/N asked in a more business-like voice. He was in his Grimm form so he didn't want to seem uncivilised
"Extract your soldiers from the Deep Elves territory, they are my people, so you attacking them is an attack on myself, but I am giving you a chance to avoid a war with me, a being far more powerful than you, and then I may stop Eldon from declaring war on you as well" She said in a more formal voice as well, as though they were discussing business instead of a war between gods
Y/N just looked at her with a blank face that slowly started to grow a small smile, then a grin, and it kept growing till he had such a feral grin that almost everyone flinched, the one you didn't flinch was Arachne as she just gained an unsettling feeling in her stomach
"You wish me to tell my troops to leave just when they have secured victory? And threaten me with war if I don't? haha HAHAHAHAHA" Y/Ns laugh unsettled the Goddess even more as it turned into something... dark, ominous, but the fear almost quadrupled when he suddenly stopped laughing and glared at her
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"Do you want to die?"His voice became so deep that the earth shook under it "Let me show you your folly" he proceeded to release so much power that the entire mountain shook under it, cracks formed in perfectly smooth stone, rock were ripped out the ground and smashed together, and all the shadows in the area became blood red, the goddess fell to her knees and started to cry in fear
Y/N looked at the crying goddess with emotionless eyes, he had released the equivalent of 1500 levels of magical power on her, which is what caused all the strange phenomena to occur, thank goodness he had put a protective field around his troops
The goddess had gone from trying to intimidate him to grovelling for forgiveness at his feet, Y/N will admit that he was intrigued by this goddess, a goddess of the deep earth would have many powerful soldiers working under her
"Tell your leader to prepare for war, you have threatened me and soon I shall respond in kind, they can either stand with you and fall with you, or they can surrender you to me where you will serve under an eternal bond of fidelity to Aryan. Now... GO!" Y/N boomed
Arachne didn't have to be told twice as she quickly scurried off in fear of the Apex creature, a being that could make her, one of the most powerful members on the Eldonian council, feel like a mere bug under his boot, he was even more powerful than the high goddess Eldiana and her husband Eldon
Y/N stared after the terrified goddess with a smirk, he was certain that the other gods would take offence to his challenge and would try go to war with him, no matter how had Arachne tried to warn them they would come looking for him all the same
"Spiders!" On of Aryans troops yelled, Y/N looked in the direction and saw a swarm of 1000's spiders running towards his army, they must've sensed their goddess's fear and come to help her. Y/N glared at them "Stupid arachnids, they need to be squished" he mumbled as he turned to Aryan "Get your troops in order! I will summon a Grimm to help you!" He commanded her
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Y/N lifted his hand and thought about what he should summon 'Hmm, should it be a Grimmrex? No... what about that new one, hmm yes, that will work, I need to see its battle prowess anyway' and with that happy thought in mind Y/N dropped some black sludge onto the ground that quickly grew in size and high till it stood 4 meters tall, double Y/Ns hight
It looked down at its master with its flaming green eyes, Y/N pointed towards the spiders that were busy battling the dark elf army, the large Grimm nodded in understanding and untied a flaming green whip in its hand and unfurled its wings before turning and roaring in challenge to the spiders
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Y/N smirked as the demon class Grimm flew at the spiders "Well, it was nice seeing you again, but I must get going, got a future investment to look out for" Y/N said with a cheery smile as he disappeared into a red gate
Aryan looked at Leinas "You know who he's talking about?", Leinas just shook her head in confusion at her masters words