Season 3 let's go
"Raise your heads," Ainz said to the collection of monsters and beasts kneeling before his throne, "LORD" they responded, "you each performed your part at the Capital splendidly. Sebas, Solution, come forward". The maid and Butler complied with the command before kneeling again "I am certain the information you have gathered will be invaluable, therefore we have decided to award you for your diligent efforts with reward."
"Sebas, you asked that I spare Tuares life, and indeed I shall but only to pay a debt to a previous associate, not due to your wish, so I shall grant you something else you desire" Sebas started to bow lower before speaking "Lord Ainz, my only desire is to ser-", "If you hope to please me then I highly suggest you receive my generosity" Ainz cut him off midsentence, Sebas thought for a second before stating that he would ask for clothes and other daily necessities for day to day life, Ainz said he would provide the gold and even had a slight poke at Sebas liking the girl by suggesting a shopping date
"Solution, tell me what it is you desire so that I may grant it", "I will ask for a small selection of humans alive my lord, and if they are innocent, that would grant me the upmost pleasure better" she said licking her lips, while Y/N and Salem had no problem with it Ainz had to apologize and say she could have alive ones but not the innocents
"Next, Entoma", "Lord" she responded in a distorted voice due to Evileye killed the voice worm, "It seems your voice has yet to recover", "Do you find me repulsive my lord?" Entoma asked with slight fear only for it to be crushed by Ainz "Certainly not, your effort are all that matter to me and they have earned you a reward", "In that case Lord Ainz, I would have the voice of the women who stole mine, should the need to kill her ever arise I ask that you give me the order to do it", "Ah the girl with the mask, she remains a mystery to me but very well I will call for you if such a time arises"
And that was the end of the reward ceremony for the time
"So a new continent has been found?" Ainz asked Y/N as they were sitting in the slime bath on the 9th floor, "Yes, and get this, it is dominated by different types of elves, and out of the entire land only 6 can use magic" Y/N responded leaning further back so as top relax more "Salem and I have already decided an attack strategy, all we need is you approval to attack and conquer them", "Hmm, you can go at them after Nazarick has gained a decent foothold on this continent" Ainz said before sighing and getting up along with Y/N, who was wearing a black towel around his hips
"Thanks for the go-ahead, we already got a guaranty to gain control of the entire Re-Estese kingdom, we just need a plan to conquer the Baharuth Empire then you would have two of the biggest nations under our control. The Slane Theocracy will fall really fast once we free the slaves" He said while putting on his armor
"The beast men will join of there own free will once we provide them with food and show our strength, seeing as they follow the strong" Ainz continued listing ways to conquer or destroy the different nations "The elf kingdom will love us for killing their evil king", "Hmm" Y/N responded
"Well, I got to go, Salem and I are planning to visit Infernos new castle in the Dwarven Mountains", "Enjoy the trip, I have a plan for the male and female guardians to take a holiday of sorts so I should get that done" Ainz responded, "Well enjoy your day guild master" Y/N said before summoning a [GATE] and going to his throne room
"Ready to go?" Salem asked, "Since when is the female ready before the male?" Y/N asked jokingly before kissing Salem "But yes I am ready", Salem nodded before they both walked through the same Gate Y/N came out of only to appear in front of a demon castle in one of the Dwarven mountains

Grimm Overlord (Male Reader x Overlord)
أدب الهواةWe all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...