We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
"Pull the sails, we're setting off!" Aryan commanded. The ships had all been completed a month ago and, after testing them all for faults, were finally ready to set sail for the Deep Elves territory and spread their god's influence
In the 3 month time period quite a bit had happened, Nerea and her brother had plunged the Holy Nerea Empire into civil war with the common people and half the churches joining them to fight against the current Empress, her loyal knights, the holy knights, and the nobles and their armies
The war had started so unexpectantly and with such force that the defences of the Empire buckled under their attack. The dragons had been a huge help and had carried troops over the walls of the cities and deposited them right into the nobles houses, any that tried to resist were locked up with the wood and dark elves that tried resisting as well. when Aryan had asked what would be done with them Y/N had answered that he had a friend whos servant wanted more humans, as for the elves... Y/N had free reign over them
Back to the civil war, Nerea had selected a few females to be her blood angel priestesses and they were dealing massive damage to the troops of the empire and were one of the most feared units to be seen in battle
Other than that, Y/N had started experimenting again and had found that if he pumped magic into an elf they could hold double the amount of a normal human before combusting into flames, but that wasn't all me had discovered
He had learnt that if he tortured one long enough, their soul would split in half, one half was the corrupted side that no longer had a mind but controlled the body and carried all the sins of the person while the other half was a pure soul that exited the body and was as innocent as a newborn, not that he allowed them to stay that way as he pumped them full of darkness till the pure soul was as corrupted as its other half
He had also started trying to create machines that ran on his magic so that it wouldn't pollute the world, he hadn't made much progress but he showed no sign of stopping this experiment
Y/N recounted the events in his head as he watched the dark elf ships leave the docks they had been built in, he honestly believed that the deep elves didn't stand a chance but was still a little sceptical of the power they may have, according to Aryan, they had been the ones to give weapons to the united armies when they faced against the false death god
When the ships passed over the horizon Y/N turned around and walked back to his little scientific laboratory, while it was nowhere near as good as the one in his castle but it was still highly advanced for a research facility with no electricity
He walked past two of the corrupted bodies that he had started to call Dark Stingers due to the spike at the end of ab tail that they had grown "Fetch me another subject to work on" he said to one "And you go fetch me one of the cores"
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A core was essentially a rare gem that had been melted at extreme heat and remoulded into round orb that could hold a certain amount of mana and be used as a power source
When he arrived at his lab he started setting things up for the 32nd subject he would work on and he was starting to wonder if he was using the right type of species for the experiment he wanted to try however his thoughts were interrupted when the two Dark stingers came in with the requested things
The subject was a young male wood elf that looked like he was gonna have a panic attack but Y/N couldn't allow that so he used magic to put the man in a trance "Get on the table and wait for my next instruction" Y/N said while collecting the core from the second Dark stinger
He proceeded to chain the elf up and awakened him from his trance, the elf instantly panicked and started thrashing around, "*sigh* Stop resisting, it won't do you any good" Y/N said but the elf continued
Y/N just sighed again as he started pumping dark magic into the core, he proceeded to grab a scalpel made of Eldonite and slowly started cutting the wood elves chest open until he saw the ribs, he then carefully cut the cartilage off and slowly opened the ribs wide till he could see the meeting heart
The elve had long since passed out from pain and was now lying limply on the table as he was operated on. Y/N then cast a freeze time spell on the body and slowly removed the heart from the body after cutting the arteries and veins, he then put the pulsing core in the chest and reconnected the blood flow
When he unfroze the elves body he watched as the blood that flowed through the core turned pitch black, satisfied he reattached the cartilage and healed the skin over the ribs to look although it was never opened
The skin of the elf rapidly paled and the veins turned black, the wood elf slowly woke up to reveal pitch-black eyes, it ripped the chains off the table and went to stand, it looked around and when it spotted Y/N it tensed before trying to jump on him
Y/N dodged as his creation tried to attack him, this was the 6th one to do this and Y/N was frustrated that the bodies couldn't even recognise him as a very large treat "[Mortuus Est]" the bodies stopped moving before falling to the ground as though its strings were cut
A bright light started to shine from within the chest as the core slowly overloaded, after several seconds of silance there was a loud bang as the core exploded, blowing open the chest of the host and lighting it on fire
"Bring me another elf and orb.. and take this body with you" Y/N commanded as he started mixing a cauldron that was glowing purple while waiting for subject 33