"Why does Ainz call so many meetings" Y/N complained to himself while standing next to Ainzs throne, listening to Demiurge explain Ainz's ultimate goal... World Domination. Y/Ncouldnt help but chuckle softly when Demiurge said you would have to be a fool to not know Ainz plan seeing as Ainz didn't even know that was the plan
Ainz finally noticed Demiurge was facing him and had his tail waving excitedly, "ah, You remembered" Ainz went with, pretending that he knew this all along, "Of course my lord, I remember every word you relate to me, you said 'taking over the world might be enjoyable'", "Yes, I recall the conversation", "I am pleased to hear it" Demiurge said, "From that... one time", "None other my lord", Ainz looked like he was having a mental breakdown before deciding to go along with it "I see, you impeccable memory pleases me", "Your praise is too much" Demiurge responded humbly, doing a small bow
"But world domination is a complicated affair", "I must agree my lord", "How do you suppose we begin our conquest?", "I humbly suggest we announce Nazarick to the public", It was Y/Ns turn for his jaw to drop, sure, he knew they would reveal themselves sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so soon, maybe after he had gained more servants/spies. Then again he could conquer both Baruth and Re-Estes in less than a day with the amount of people under his command, so maybe it wasn't such a bad idea
"Since the ones who attacked Shalltear came from a special ops of the Slane Theocracy they have more flexibility than us while we may be limited to one kingdom, therefore I would like to suggest Nazarick enters the stage as its own, independent nation" There were many gasps at Demiurges proposal but they were cut off by Y/Ns booming laugh but he stope3d when he saw Demiurges confused face "You idea is a fantastic one Demiurge, don't get me wrong, it is just that it has already been set into motion by Salem and I, just the other day we took full control of the Dwarven mountains and their people, I also have a servant in the form of Princess Renner, all we have to do is kill the other royal family member and we shall have full control of the Kingdom"
At Y/Ns declaration there were many shocked faces but changed into slacked jaw expressions at Salem's proposal "and if Lord Ainz would allow it, we can send our own troops to conquer all the way from the demihumans to the wood elves" Ainz just did a slight sigh before agreeing to the idea, he really had given up on controlling them "Besides from that there is not much to discuss so you are all excused ton attend to your duties" all the creatures that were in the hall started to walk out and return to their floors
"Ainz, may I speak to you for a moment?" Y/N asked the skeleton, "Yes my friend, what is it you need?" Ainz asked in return to the Grimm father, "Just wanted to know if you would prefer for Nazarick to be able to fly around or if you would prefer it to stay stuck to the earth" Y/N asked cryptically, Ainz thought about it before nodding to himself "If you can somehow get it to leave the ground that would be much appreciated"
"I can do far more than that my friend, I will get it going so long," Y/N said before teleporting away with Salem, once they were in their throne room he sent a message to Crom "Proceed with plan concerning Project A, Ainz has agreed and given us the go-ahead, let's see if we can get it to fly by the time we reveal ourselves" he received a positive reply and listened to a short report of what has happened at Carne so far before he cut the connection
"Seems Nemu has a talent with fire" he informed Salem who looked surprised at the news, "Oh, and what can she do with it?" she looked quite interested in the news, "Turns out she can summon fire warriors up to the midtier, cast fire spells of the 7th tier, can heal herself with it, and can somehow teleport short distances with a burst of fire"
"Huh, we should get her a phoenix for her birthday" Salem suggested to her husband, "That would be beneficial to her and through her us. Besides from that, Enri has unlocked the 'Warlord' job class and is learning how to command from Bellum, who decided to introduce himself" Y/N relaid
Salem took this as an opportunity to suggest some things "I have been thinking of something lately and I want to run it through with you", Y/N hummed "We should make an army of mortals" That got Y/Ns attention on her real fast "We can't just use our Grimm all the time, we need people that can think on their own and can make decisions"
Y/N slowly nodded in acceptance before proposing his own idea "I also had an idea... we should make a dungeon" at Salem's confused look he elaborated "Like, in the video games, we will make an underground area where Grimm spaw, people can go there to earn status, wealth weapons and magic items, low-level ones of coarse, then we can see if we want any of them in our army, we can also offer to make the stronger ones into our servants, as I did with Renner and Climb"
Salem slowly nodded and decided to go onto a new topic "What did Ainz say about the elf continent?", "He said we can go when he has gained a strong foothold in this one", "Makes sense, good thing we can get him one the second he reveals himself to the world" Salem said while sitting in her throne of black, white and red gold
"And with the plan we have, he will control a quarter of this continent, then we can go to the elves and control them" Y/N responded, sitting on his throne as well, "I wonder how the elves will react to us" Salem said
"Let us hope they take it well, or many will die"
I have settled into the routine of posting every 200 views, so the quicker that happens the quicker I post

Grimm Overlord (Male Reader x Overlord)
FanfictionWe all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...