•.[ part 10 ].• MUCH MORE THEN FRIENDS!? / lemon

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This starts with ink's POV so uh yay // SORRY I DIDN'T HAVE A WARNING BTW 18+ NSFW OBVIOUSLY BUT UH YEAH

I was walking out of my class when it ended. I got to my locker and put my books and dumb school stuff in the locker with me taking out my sketchbook and things I mostly take home which sadly ends up with homework in the pack too.. I groaned "Jeez! Why does school have to be so stupid.." I pout "Wow inky why are you so pissed over homework and it's not even that hard" Error said walking to me and leaning against the locker next to me. I sighed "Error! I have math and science...! Not easy" I looked at him then he had an idea and smirked "Hey how bout I go to your house and I can help you with your homework?" error said tapping the homework. I sighed and nodded then gave him the homework he looked confused "I'm not stupid if you want it that bad do my homework when you get to my house then return it" I said and walked away.

•.[ Time skip ].•

I was sketching error not really knowing why I just felt like it. The doorbell rang and I already knew it was error I mean who else could it be? I live alone without any siblings and my mother died in a crash but left me her money and dream also wanted to help so I was indeed lucky. I walked down to the living room to open the door which who I see is obviously error with a bag and I assumed it had the homework so then let him in "Here inky your homework" He pulled out from his bag and huffed obviously annoyed he was left with work "Thanks error" I smiled and put it on my counter in the kitchen "Do you want a drink?" I say trying to distract myself from the fact of what he was here for "Sure I guess" error said sitting down with his bag on the couch I prepared the drink then walked down to him and handed him the drink and sat next to him. "I'm expecting you know already?" Error asked and I nodded slightly blushing "Pfft inky you made it awkward now" He chuckled and I giggled a bit but just a few seconds later he instantly pinned me to the couch "Heh inky cmon don't be shy~~ I don't understand you but let's go to your room it'll be more comfortable there" He said I just looked at him and nodded preferably not speaking. We both walked to my room and when we got there error lost it and pinned me on the wall and aggressively started to make out with me which I didn't fight back. After a while he stopped pleased with what he got while I was over here blushing like crazy! "Geez inky..~~ I need you so bad I've been waiting for who knows how long..~" He started to grip my waist "And you always just said me as your friend no matter how sexual things got which annoyed me..." he growled I blushed and looked down guilty "I-..I just wasn't sure what anyone would think and if you even liked me at that...or if you were just playing me like everyone else you've been with" I looked down upset "Geez inky those fucking rumors are just lying shits the only reason I get the title of 'playing people' is because they break up with me and expect me to get back with them as if I would want to" He rolled his eyes "I've been friends with you for like 7 years and you still believe it" he looked at me blushing a bit error was always hard to get tho he didn't like showing emotions. I sighed "Sorry error those.. rumors got in my head.. I've liked you for a long time too I was just to unsure.." After I said that he suddenly kissed me

"Inky shhh~~ it's okay you know I would never hurt you like that" he caressed my cheek showing so much affection in that one moment... I have never seen something like that come out of error even with his ex's. I sighed and held his hand on my cheek and smiled at him. "Heh now to make sure do you really wanna do this I never asked before I pinned you sorry" error said I nodded "Yeah I'm sure it's fine" I said he then picked me up and laid me on the bed with him on top. He started to gently lick and suck my neck "M-Mnh..~~" I felt warm why does this feel so different?

[ I'm changing this to 3rd pov ]

Error slid his hand under ink's shirt and started to glide his hand around ink's spine. "A..Ah..~" Ink shivered and covered his mouth. Error pulled down on ink's collar giving him more space to suck and kiss. Before he wanted to do that tho he sudden started to bite around ink's neck looking for a sweet spot to mark ink as his. Ink gave up a muffled moan and tilted his head back giving error more space. After a while to error found it and bite roughly on it sucking down on any blood that escaped Ink. Ink moaned louder and huffed out still muffling any noise coming out "Inky why don't you just move your hand I wanna hear your beautiful voice in those moans~~" error said moving ink's hand aside but ink quickly covered his mouth again shaking his head. Error growled and got up then ran down to the living room to grab his bag ink sat up confused until error came back with the bag "Hm error what's in the bag?" Ink asked error just stayed silent and reached inside the bag until he pulled out handcuffs and rope. Ink looked at him surprised "E-Error that's uh.. much" Ink said "Nahh" error said he grabbed the rope and pinned ink back on the bed and tied his hands above his head. Ink blushed at his actions while error just smirked then quickly ripped off ink's clothes revealing his body of what ink was insecure about but he kept shy and just looked away. Error saw this and ran his hand down ink's body "Heh inky you're beautiful alright? Don't worry about it" error said and ink just looked back at him and nodded.

Error licked and kissed ink's chest and ribcage while teasing ink's member with touches and slithering. "E-Error..~~~" He huffed out "S-Stop fucking t-teasing me just..f-fuck me already..~~!" Ink begged being inpatient. "Heh~~ Woah there inky I wanna take it slow~ Plus I love teasing you~" error said stopping what he was doing. Error started to lick the tip of ink's member teasing ink as ink let out a grunt after a while of licking and basically just teasing ink with licks and kisses he then put ink's whole member in his mouth and started to suck it. "O..Oh fu.~..cK~~!" Ink moaned out satisfied with error's actions. Error started to deep throat ink's member with ink giving out loud moans as he was being pleasured

[ I haven't worked on this for a while so I'll just skip to actual sex ]

Error thrusted his member into ink. Ink let out a loud moan gripping the bed sheets . Error quickened the pace thrusting at a fast pace despite that it just started. He's been waiting for a while now "UhH~!" ink moaned tilting his head back error chuckled and slammed into ink and earned a huge sudden moan from ink "A-AH~!!! F-FUCK~!" Ink drooled and closed his eyes with error thrusting in deeper into ink. Error groaned "Fu-fuck inky~" he kept going with ink being on the tip of climaxing. Error gripped ink's waist and after a few more thrust he was full in inky then he slammed one more time then climaxed "AhH~!!!" Ink moaned climaxing too feeling pleased with this.

.•[ Time skip to after showering and putting on pj's ]•.

(( I want wholesome ))  Error laid on the bed waiting for ink to finally get to bed too. Ink was doodling some sketches he was still blushing kinda brightly but continued finishing his doodle "Inkkkky cmon! I'm not gonna wait forever I'll sleep without you if you don't hurry up" Error pouted inpatient "Sorry error..! I'll get there in a sec" Ink said drawing a few more lines then getting up and turning off the lights. Ink got on the bed and slept next to error with error cupping ink cuddling closely. "Heh night glitchy" Ink said holding error's hand "Night inky love you" Error said placing a small kiss on ink's forehead. Ink smiled then fell asleep with error falling asleep closely to him

(( look I'm done now I really want killer to fuck up night ngl I've changed a lot of plans but the ship stats of killermare will stay the same I was thinking to switch error down as a bottom next time or just make it a switch relationship but I'll see

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