Small fanfic lmao (Errorink)

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"Error....?" Ink said, his eyes wide opening and starring at error. Error looked at him and blushed "I-Ink...! I.. Uhm..." Error looked down at his books and sighed.. "I'm sorry ink... for last night..." ink starred at him and laughed "Error! It's fine that's the least of my least you're safe" ink said as error smiled comfortably, they began to walk down the creek, watching fish jump out and back in "so error how have you been!? I feel like it's been foreverrrr!!" ink said balancing himself on a rock. "Heh ink yesterday was like 40 hours ago of course it felt long..., and I've been fine! I got more food along my way so!" error said as ink nodded and ran down the creek, error following closely behind him

Hours later they found their small cottage home they made a while back... this universe was a human fantasy all sorts of things exist! Ink knows there is more but he feels satisfied with his universe, water dragons, large butterfly's, glowing mushrooms, grass as green as it ever could be!, there weren't much humans left only a few powerful beings were alive due to the dangerous animals though they only want peace seeing how horrible the earth had gotten. It was a government execution to start everything over, a horrible plan? Maybe but the 60 humans left try to take care of themselves and reproduce only to teach their kids peace and how to connect to the animals, no one wants corruption to the earth again.

Error walked in and put down some food on the counter as ink jumped on the couch and sighed of relief and comfort, error chuckled and kissed ink. Ink of course kissed back before pulling error down and sat him down as well, they both rested after a long and tired... 2 days...? They fought before they left but just seen now they apologized and went back to cuddling. "Hey ink..? Do you think we can have children..?" Error asked, curious for children "Error that's more impossible we're uh.. you know gay" ink said chuckling as error just pouted "but inkkk!! Can't you create our own child with that magic thingy you have?" he asked desperately. Ink sighed and looked at him "Pfft.. yeah but you sure you want a child..? I mean you sure we can be responsible enough for a kid?" Ink asked "Well.. of course!! I mean we have a babyroom already planned in the house it's stupid just to leave it there!" error said pointing to a closed off room, ink just laughed "Yeah yeah okay my love" ink kissed error's cheek. Error pouted

"Well.. you know it's gonna take a while but I'll try there's some creative crystals somewhere enough for me to create another living being" ink said looking outside, error nodded and quickly continued to cuddle ink happily. Ink sighed happily and cuddled back not saying another word
2 months later

"Error~!! Look what I have..~!!" Ink said quickly walking into their bedroom "Wh...?" Error said sleepy, he sat up and rubbed his eyes "you have.. a blanket bundle..?" error said. Ink laughed "No error it's a baby!" ink sat down on the bed and showed off the baby, the baby was mixed eyes with black hair seeming to be a newborn though, a very beautiful child in error's thoughts.. error gasped at the sight of it and quickly held it "Ink its so beautiful!! Is it a girl or boy?!" error said, ink chuckled "It's a girl" error gasped even more and began to play with it's hand "Awe!! She looks beautiful!" he happily said, ink held error closely and nodded with a bright smile

"Experiment complete... time to delete #057"

(( So what's up, lmao I was thinking of letting y'all give me ideas for the next chapter :// I'm out of ideas until I can see or think of something new, I'm also thinking of making a story with my AU in a different book

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