Hello (part 18)

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if I ever said night's mom was dead then no I didn't haha

Killer untied nightmare's hands and let nightmare get dressed, it's been a while since they've seen his mother and nightmare wasn't really excited. His mother played favorites with both and it wasn't horrible but there was often comparisons.. hey night why don't people like u as much as dream, hey dream why don't you get all A's like night, hey night why aren't you as bright as dream..

"I'm not ready for this.." night whined slightly and looked in the mirror, he didn't wanna look bad because their mother was a whole queen just acting like nothing is going on. Killer kissed night's cheek and night turned to him, slightly worried "P-Pfft I don't take that I'm gonna be invited to this... what is this" killer huffed "It's just going downstairs to talk to my mom again dumbass" nightmare narrowed his eyes and looked back into the mirror, finding his outfit to be good enough even though it's something dream would wear. His mother always hated his outfits and wanted nightmare to wear more... 'feminine' things? "I think mother just is jealous she didn't have more girls..." nightmare mumbled to himself "Oh well I think you look great as always!" killer smiled, night blushed slightly "You're just saying that... I look like a girl and I hate it" he huffed and decided to change from shorts to pants, though he still had to wear the shirt which was cut short, didn't show anything but it did definitely give a feminine appearance. "Yeah well I still think you look adorable, and once you're done we can continue~?" killer smirked though nightmare rolled his eyes
"I'm not in the mood anymore to answer myself for the future, stop thinking about sex and look nice or I'm gonna ignore you for a week" he huffed and looked one more time in the mirror before sighing "wait I'm going? I thought I was gonna stay here" killer quickly said before nightmare left "Oh well.... I was hoping you'd want to see her and maybe like... tell her ur my boyfriend" nightmare said as another knock quickly came with dream opening the door, finding a better image then last time "Sorry night for bothering you... and killer..! Uhm mom is getting impatient" dream said looking down, night looked back at killer "You look fine killer hurry now" nightmare said as he went down to the first floor with dream, killer just awkwardly followed along

"Night..! There you are come here and give me a hug!" nature said smiling as nightmare gave her a depressed sort of hug "Hey mom.." he sighed and let go, pointing to killer "You remember him right? The kid who always played with me when we were kids?" night said as nature just looked at him, unimpressed "yeah the poor kid who would always steal cash from you" nightmare groaned "He didn't steal mother I gave it to him, anyways we're dating" nightmare narrowed his eyes, he didn't wanna wait forever to tell her so why not straight up "...what" nature stopped every movement and stared a death glare at killer, he just hid behind night "Yeah sorry anyways we're having dinner?" nightmare said going to the dining room "Ugh why aren't you like your sister nightmare! She's so cute and responsible I know she wouldn't let me down!" nature gave gestures as she spoke and sat down at the table, night did as well as killer slowly and quietly did

"Heh mother don't be rude to night! I think he's perfect the way he is!" dream said with a smile as she sat beside nature "Awe you little cute sunshine! Are you dating anyone?" nature asked as dream stayed quiet.. no she didn't date anyone she's only had a nightstand with nightmare's friend and one date, better then nightmare IS NOT the right word because she couldn't even pull a guy who wants something serious "uhm.... n-no but I will soon! I've met this guy and I think he's a very good guy..!" dream's smile let down slightly, she had very well fallen in love for someone she wasn't even sure liked her for her "Awe that's wonderful sunshine!" nature smiled as the servants put down their food, it was a lot which killer was happy from before nightmare looked at killer "Pfft love ya kills but don't eat yet, we still have to do some things before we eat" nightmare chuckled as killer groaned and nodded, nature hated killer attitude "son I support your choices in being...gay but why this one? Isn't there anyone else that interested you?" nature looked at killer again with the death glare, killer instantly wished he'd never and react to nightmare's words "Yeah he's rude but he was the only one who talked to me besides dream's little boyfriend~" nightmare teased "H-He's not my boyfriend nightmare" dream blushed but appreciated the small boost, killer just looked down and held nightmare's hand, night returned the gesture and leaned to killer "I still love youuuu~ but mind being a bit more formal for me please?" nightmare whispered to killer. He nodded and moved away from night

"Anyways mother would you like to start eating?" nightmare said as nature nodded, she got up and put her hands together, closing her eyes. Just before killer knew it nightmare,dream,and their mother were speaking some sort of.. other 'language'? It's nothing killer has ever heard before maybe mystical greek languages, he didn't mind he just waited till they finished.

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