Rules of society •.[ part 9 ].•

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(( This is blue's POV for the whole story

I ran down the halls looking for my friend after error came to talk to ink I didn't wanna disrupt them so. I kept walking down the halls looking for him when I spotted swapfell talking to fell and I ran up to him "Heya swapfell!!! How are you!?" I asked "Oh! Heya blue I'm fine I guess" swapfell responded "Oh! Well that's great!! I came by because ink was talking to error so" "Can't you talk to dream?" sf asked "Hm! Oh I mean I could but he's in class" blue said "Oh that sucks" sf said "Well sorry bud but I should be going to class maybe go talk to that boyfriend of yours~!" sf giggled then walked away. I blushed for a minute then nodded to myself and walked around looking for dust

I found him talking to horror then hugged him from the back suddenly "Hiya dusty~!" I said getting dust's attention "Oh- Hey blue what's up?" dust said turning around and hugging me back "Oh nothing I was just bored because sf had to go to class and error took ink from me so I don't really have any friends to talk to right now!" I said breaking the hug and smiling "Oh well I was talking to horror but you can stick around if you want to" dust said showing off horror. She was kinda scary not gonna lie... "Hi!" I said "Heh..why hello.. you're blue right? Blueberry.. you're so small you'd be so easy to consume" She started to chuckle. That was easily scary.. "I don't think I would taste very good.." I said horror just shrugged "Wouldn't know unless we tried" She started to laugh tho it wasn't really funny... "Pfft calm down horror you're scaring the little berry better control yourself" dust chucked "fine..." horror groaned in annoyance "Heh sorry berry my friend is kinda.. well insane.." dust said "It's fine..! Uhm you're friends with killer right?" I asked I wanted to ask about killer and their past why they stick with him "Oh yeah about killer" He said "He's not really a bad person mostly misunderstood more like the rest of us" dust said I peeked up in a confused way "What do you mean he's a huge bully?!" I say "Pfft not different then us and we don't do it for just the fun of it we do it for protection if you don't show you're either a hot,nice,female or you're a rude and protective male, then the society of the world would crush you to pieces" he said coldly "Well then why am I still here huh?" I ask doubting his reasoning "Because you have a group of friends that are popular not trying to be mean baby blue but it just is how it is dream is literally a princess and ink's dad is a famous actor they technically protect you plus me as your boyfriend doesn't give your protest any help" dust says as horror chuckles I simply whimper in defeat and look down but dust then hugs me "Awe it's okay baby blue. Class is gonna start in like 20 minutes so wanna go steal some ice cream from the cafeteria?" dust asks and I look up quickly and nod

[ Time skip to lunch because we don't need context ]

I spotted dust sitting with killer,horror,and error and sat my food next to dream "I'll be back okay dream?" I say and she nods so then I run to dust and tug on his sleeve getting his attention along with error who he was talking to "Dusty can we go eat together outside on the hill?!" I ask happily dust looks at me and nods while error starts chuckling to himself. I look at him and give him an unamused look "Pfft what? cmon you guys are so.. loving to each other it's weird" error says with his glitching "you're just jealous you haven't gotten to fuck ink with pure love and lust yet.." I said leave to get my food from dream while I hear error choke on one of his drinks glitching intensified

(( I'm tired but anyways happy new years!! HAHA 2021 HERE I COME— Hopefully

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