Our problem (part 19)

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this story is probably gonna head in different ways btw it literally makes no sense because I'm winging it at this point, I have decided to maybe make a new story though))

"AUGH KILLER! You're were supposed to pray to her like we did!!" Nightmare whined as he scattered his clothes around, his mother wanted to invite them to a ball sense they're so "Oh wonderful!" though nightmare barely liked doing so, he was boy enough to not wear a dress, though he never knew what the rich people thought of the gays. He sighed and picked out a suit he thought was good enough to wear and jumped on killer who was laying on the bed. Killer let out a OOF as nightmare did so, nightmare wasn't a child lightweight so killer groaned about it before taking nightmare's cheeks in his hands "babe it's not so bad she didn't even say anything" plus I'm sure it'll be fine.

Nightmare sighed and nuzzled in killer's chest "But what if someone asks me to dance.." nightmare whined "Also darling you're not going, mom was pissed at you for not praying so she didn't wanna bring you along" nightmare pouted as killer quickly reacted badly "WHAT?! ITS NOT MY FAULT I DONT KNOW YOUR DAMN GREEK LANGUAGE!!! AND PLUS I'M A ATHEIST I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD SHIT" killer started to complain as nightmare narrowed his eyes in reaction. "You're acting like a child killer, and you're my boyfriend and I love you but get it together" nightmare sighed and sat in killer's lap "plus it's fine, ball's are most of the time something really boring and something to get someone's kid wed to a rich boring asshole" nightmare looked at him.

"Cinderella lied to you darling" nightmare let out a small giggle as killer sighed and gave nightmare some pats "well then.. does that mean I have to leaveee?" killer said, night nodded "at least till I really have to go" nightmare got up and went to the suit, laying it on the nightstand. "I'm gonna go shower now, you can.. well.." nightmare blushed before walking to the bathroom door which was connected to his room, he looked down in embarrassment.. this is stupid and he probably won't even say yes! I should.. god I want to so bad... nightmare thought in a sigh "You can join me if you'd l-like to.." nightmare blushed again, he deeply regretted every and any action of word he made just then. His face bursted in blush before he ran in the bathroom to start the shower, killer just watched as everything unfolded, he blushed though in response with a small chuckle "Fine then babe I'll join you~" killer said, going to the bathroom to find nightmare slowly panicking.
"Awe! Why so embarrassed my love! It's really fine I think it's cute you asked so nicely~" he smirked, nightmare had already undressed though it wasn't a bad sight for killer and killer wasn't going to bring ur attention so he just closed the door and began to undress as well, nightmare was nice enough to not stare and make it more awkward. He just kept testing the water till he found the temperature he liked which it didn't take long.

Nightmare sighed quietly before getting in the shower, he let the water tap on him for a while before getting the body wash, luckily killer came in before he cleaned his body so he could still enjoy the time with him, it wasn't sexual which nightmare enjoyed a lot, it just included a lot of hugs and messing around, also helping, and of course getting cleaned. It was all a joy for nightmare and he felt better, even if something did happen nothing could top the attention he'd gotten from killer in the shower exceptttt it all had to end some time soon.

Nightmare got out of the shower and dried himself off quickly, giving killer a towel as well to dry himself off. He dried his hair and went out back to his suit, killer was done before him and sat down on the bed, redressing and putting his shoes on.

"Jesus.. I hate the dressing up part" nightmare sighed, seemingly stressed to go out especially after a nice shower and dinner, he was tired but he was gonna have to push through it, killer just stared at nightmare for a little before looking down to tie his shoes, nightmare got dressed in his suit and looked in the mirror to think about how his hair should be styled, killer got up and wrapped his arms around nightmare. "How about... maybe this.?" killer seemed to read his mind, or maybe the fact nightmare was looking in the mirror even though the sweet boy never does, but killer styled nightmare's hair surprisingly nice! It was a good hair style so nightmare didn't fight back. "Pfft love, how do you know how to style hair?" nightmare chuckled slightly as killer laughed "it's me nightmare, of course I know how to style hair" he smirked "and personally your natural hair is really nice, I like your hair when it's messy" he smiled and have nightmare a small kiss, nightmare chuckled at the compliment, he liked it.

Nightmare only ended up hugging killer happily, though killer was whispering some dirty stuff to nightmare, he only blushed and laughed at the dirty comments, he eventually started to talk back, either saying something dirty as well or roasting him on the comments but that 'sweet' moment had to be interrupted by dream, she informed nightmare that they will be in the car and he needed to hurry

Nightmare eventually pulled killer away and both got out the house quickly "Alright love I'll see you tomorrow in school, don't get killed" he chuckled as killer smirked and winked "don't worry babe~ I wouldn't die unless you told me to, so far you've been doing the opposite" he laughed and gave nightmare a small kiss on the forehead "until tomorrow mi amor~" he smiled and nightmare blushed, he just nodded and watched killer leave before getting pulled in the car by dream. "I enjoy watching you be dumbfounded by killer but you know why we have to go..!" dream sighed "and I don't wanna do it.." nightmare looked at dream sadly "but killer!! I can't just... I can't just let everything he or I tried slip up! You aren't even dating cross" he huffed and dream sighed, looking at their mother

"Mom.... do we have to..?" dream spoke quickly, she didn't wanna upset her mother sense nightmare was already late to get in the car by at least a minute. "Yes dream, at least keep him by you or nightmare's side as long as they think they have a chance they'll pay me" she huffed and drove the car, nightmare looked out the window sadly, he wanted to search for killer walking but he'd assume he was picked up.

See.. nature must sound nice as a mother It's nature she's not that bad! Oh you must be lucky it's nature! would be repeated, nightmare and dream though... they were only a toy when she was bored and they were only the models for her. She had her fame and money but nightmare especially wasn't all that happy with the choices...

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