Where is he?! (Part 21)

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(( Basically just killer

"Hey dream is your brother okay...? I haven't seen him in an week..." killer asked dream in the hallway, he was genuinely worried which made dream happy but still upset about what nightmare had told her in tears... she desperately wanted him to tell killer what happened because she knew he wouldn't be upset except nightmare insisted he didn't. Dream wasn't gonna fight nightmare so she could only agree..
Dream smiled warmly "yes.. he's fine and he's getting better... he misses you but he'll be back soon enough.." she gave him a small pat and quickly walked away, avoiding questions or concerns

"Alright..." he said quietly and sighed, going outside the school and heading back to his home... he was thinking what possibly made nightmare leave him like that...?! He isn't THAT sick is he...? killer was confused, worried, and he hasn't seen him in what felt like forever since their relationship.. or hidden relationship. Killer started to flirt and tease nightmare more even in school, he started to give nightmare much more attention, watch him more then he already had, and missed him a LOT more. Nightmare disappearing from killer and dream giving off multiple "he'll be back soon" was getting him worried, but he didn't wanna just barge in, in his HUGELY secured castle.. mansion thingy so he'll just have to wait and feed himself memories of their relationship moments.

He got back home and sighed... he truly didn't have as much as nightmare and not as much as almost everyone in his school, his home was old and his mom always had to work enough to pay for him and his siblings... they had enough food to survive 2 meals a day... school lunch and dinner but on saturday it would just be lunch. He was grateful though that he still had siblings and a mom, a very nice one at that, he would always put his mother who took so much to raise them before anyone else even nightmare. That didn't help the fact he deeply missed him.
He helped make dinner for his siblings 1,2,3... god 3 little hungry pigs, he laughed at the thought and finished soon, his mother kissed all their cheeks before leaving to work, killer cleaned the house and then went to his room, he thought more about nightmare... gosh how I miss his kisses... his sweet talk... he blushed at the thought and smiled, oh what he'd do to have a family with nightmare, he kept his warm and genuine smile up, the thought made him all happy and warm.

Killer picked up his phone and tried to talk to nightmare again, hoping he would get a call back but... of course like everyday for 5 days he got nothing, but he left a small goodnight message for nightmare to listen to if he decided to hear the voice messages. And so nightmare did at his own home, actually he listened to all of the messages killer had left nightmare because it made him feel better and more confident to tell him what had happened and why he wasn't there.. "Sorry if this bothers you night... I'd like to hear back from you but you can take your time, I don't mind but I just wanted to say good night, I love you... so much nighty I hope you feel better, I want you kisses back" killer chuckled "Sorry... goodnight love.." the message ended with nightmare and a flustered smile, he wanted to hold killer as well...

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