Him (part 20)

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((TW : rape? poorly made btw so sorry if this offends anyone

"Hello...Nightmare is it~?" this guy was the one who nightmare's mom wanted them to meet, of course they were at the ball. Fancy people wearing suits and huge dresses.. it was pretty until you meet someone you're forced to 'date'

"Yes... you're name is Liam.?" nightmare said back, he gave the man named.. Liam his hand, which liam happily leaned down and kissed. Of course nightmare couldn't show how weirded out he felt, just keep on a innocent smile. Dream luckily came to introduce herself as well but Liam seemed less interested his.. his words were picked out carefully "I just prefer... the moon over the sun" he said with narrowed eyes. I'm not a object.. I'm not the moon either.. nightmare thought, he loved the night as well but being compared to his sister as the sun and moon felt weird. "Thanks..." nightmare still kept up that sugar sweet smile.

"May I take you for a dance~?" Liam smirked as nightmare nodded and took his hand "of course..~" nightmare then began to dance with him, he could only imagine dancing with liam like dancing with killer, he liked the thought so he smiled happily. Liam soon stopped and offered him a drink, the fancy parties always had the most 'finest' wines, tequila shots and shit, nightmare nodded and just took a small drink. "So! Nightmare! You're mother always talks so kindly of you! I hope you can give me the same interest that I have for you" he smiled and nightmare laughed slightly. "Yes... that's me!" he wanted to tell him the whole thing about killer but... he didn't wanna upset his mother. "Ah! You're energetic I love that! Here take a stronger drink" he laughed and gave nightmare another drink "I'd never thought of you as someone to take something like.. water" he chuckled, nightmare nodded and began to take the shots.

"So... how are you..?" nightmare said, he was never good at starting conversations but it ended up slightly going good, this guy wasn't so fancy and uptight which nightmare enjoyed though he would only like him as a friend, no one could replace the memories and how killer was with him. Except.. those shots seemed to be FILLED with strong alcohol. Nightmare started to panic slightly as he felt dizzy "A-Ah... I guess this was a pretty strong drink" he laughed awkwardly and held his head... he couldn't think straight but liam didn't help or get dream he just laid his hand on nightmare's leg. "I'm s-sorry what are you doing..?" nightmare said sighing, liam smirked "calm
down nightmare, you'll be fine" he laughed "so.~ do you have a lover~?" he asked, nightmare nodded, taking another drink because he thought maybe, just maybe he would feel slightly better.

"Yes... my uh.. my boyfriend..." he laughed "Yeah.. he's not with me actually here, funny story, my mom was like oooh he can't come because you're going to meet this guy and imagine him knowing you have a poorrr boyfriend!" he chuckled as liam chuckled back "oh really~? He's poor? How much do you enjoy being with him?" he asked, nightmare shrugged and laid his head on the table. "hm..~ a lot" he drank another shot, liam only grinned and moved nightmare towards him. "Well..I mean he's not here right~?" he took nightmare's hands and moved nightmare closer, though nightmare couldn't really process what was happening. "Y-Yeah he isn't here uhm.. I should... I should go find my sister.." he shook his head slightly, about to get up before liam grabbed his arm. "No it's alright, stay here for a bit let's take you to my room" he said, nightmare still couldn't process anything and got up "where's my sister.." he asked but liam only grabbed him and led him to his room. Nightmare couldn't think straight but ended up losing it... promises and words overflew his logic and..

it happens right before his eyes. He couldn't stop it. He was weak and so dead-brained...

IT HURT..!! All he could remember in his memory was... IT HURT SO GOD DAMN BAD... he felt like crying, his bottom was stingy and crying at him to move away...

By the morning he woke in liam's bed, the bastard was dead asleep beside him. He tried to figure out what happened but the only thing he remembered was... walking to his room... oh.. nightmare thought as he quickly sat up, but shot bai gaze at liam. He wasn't awake which was good. Nightmare's eyes widened as he quietly got out of liam's bed, he wanted to cry but he could do that when he was out. He got his clothes and got dressed, he then quickly got out of liam's palace like house.

"nonononononononononono....!" nightmare mumbled to himself in the urge of tears, he was currently in a taxi, he couldn't believe what happened, he felt disgusted and.. horrible. Once he was dropped off he gave a tip and walked inside.. why didn't mother recognize I was missing?! Did they plan it together...? What about dream?! Oh god did they do anything to dream?! nightmare thought, he felt like passing out and could only hold himself in his arms as he walked to his room, but once he stepped foot in the bedroom he began to sob deeply, thoughts and thoughts flooded his head... what will killer think?! Oh god... did I cheat?! No... I possibly couldn't... what if it was dream instead though?! ...I hate mother was all nightmare could think as he dug himself in his bed, he wanted to skip school, so he did

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