•.[ part 8 ].• 'friends'

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(( Wassup sorry I've been dead uh I'm running out of ideas and I didn't even introduce most of the characters besides the main ones so it'll probably be a while to get to something interesting! besides that movie shit— jUsT sHhH ))

Nightmare led killer to the class and they waited a few minutes until dream and cross walked out. Killer then stepped in front of cross kinda rudely with nightmare still leaning against a wall watching him "Heyy! Uhm what's the name..? oh cross anyways I mean to say sorry for my groups actions" nightmare just looked at him with an unamused expression. Cross looked at killer upset but shrugged it off "Uhh..yeah sure whatever cmon night we should get going" cross said grabbing NM's hand and following dream and NM gladly followed. Killer narrowed his eyes(?) and walked away annoyed.

Error's POV (finally errorink -<-)

I was walking down the hall way when I saw ink talking to blue getting some notebooks so I decided to walk up to ink "Hey skittles.." My voice is still so glitchy.. can't do much tho I was born with it "Hm.? Ugh hey glitchy..heh... what do you want" He said playful "Awe~ Don't be so rude inky..~" "Heh back with your flirts? They aren't gonna work this time! I actually have standards!" Ink said proud "You sure inky? Didn't go very well last time~" "Well that's because you touched my tongue in a..! Very.. sexual way!" Ink said pouting "heh of course inky.." I said leaning next to him "Uhm..I'll just leave you two..." blue said walking away "Oh dust's boyfriend cool I guess" "Hm..dust? Oh yeah dust!! OH! I forgot I made a promise to nightmare!!" Ink said quickly grabbing my arms before I could react "I need you to stop bothering NM!" I just stood there glitching a bit but I was fine but.. what!? "Uhm..what?!" I said "Yup!! Me,blue,and dream will make sure this year is different!!!" Ink said letting go of my arms "Hm? You want me to stop? Well I would but killer would murder me and my mental stability" I said "Oh?! Well we will do something about that!!!"

I looked around and sighed "Of course inky just for you then" I said quietly "YAY!!" Ink said jumping happily "Thanks so much error!!" Ink said "Don't mention it inky..heh" I was happy he was happy so.. "Inky I have to go to class so I'll see you soon kay?" "Yeah ofc!!" I walked off to class

(( lol someone help -

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