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BTW!! Trigger warning!!! READ PLEASE!!!
-Suicide topics!!
-There might be sexual actions! (( 18+ moments! I'll give warnings so you can skip ))
-Hateful words and cussing
-Some topics might be weird to some people (( Female uses and a few other things that could be counted personal

Heya! This will basically explain the characters a bit more plus extra story parts that I would like to say before I start

Nightmare is more comfortable around dream so they don't hate each other seeing how the apple accident didn't happen this will be passive nightmare

killer is confusing.

I kinda wanted to make dream a female so uhhh if that's okay

they're all gonna be humans so they follow human rules and biological ways (( no boys can't get pregnant))

thank you for reading and this is my first whole book/fanfic so I hope you can enjoy this book!!
('。• ω •。')

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