this story but the roles are switched and night is a emo goth

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Night grinned going over to his sister, he grabbed her arm. She seemed surprised and looked over but relaxed as soon as she realized it was just nightmare "Oh..! Night it's just you" she exhaled, night just narrowed his eyes "yeah whatever, where's that dark nerd?" night asked letting go of dream as she just huffed "the tree, now I'm going to class dumbass" She said right before she left. Night crossed his arms soon running to the tree to find killer hanging down a branch "Oh hey nighty!" Killer said jumping down and smiling, night only blushed "Hey kills, can we skip againnn?" night asked sitting down killer just sighed "fine but tomorrow we have to go! I'll get in trouble..." killer said siting next to him. Night chuckled nodding and placing killer in his lap placing small kisses along his jawline, killer blushed laughing slightly "nighty that ticklesss stoppp!" he said laughing, night laughed as well continuing to kiss him

awe how cute-

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