I came back...?

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haiiiii life is shit, LETS GO AGAIN SHALL WE?!

So I've been busy, I've been mentally hurt, and my life is actually shit but I was thinking for a while, I really love making stories that I haven't really ever told and decided to plan out a new story, I'll probably be ending this one because of no inspiration and no actual ideas to this, not to mention I haven't continued this since june I'll love if you guys could follow up on a new story which I'll post once I gather up an idea! If you enjoyed this story which is very rare because this story was bad, I also wanted to stand for multiple diverse people aka LGBTQ,colored,religions of all Ik, and stuff to open up things like female bodies to make it seem natural instead of always lewd thoughts, I stand for everything I just said. If you don't agree then maybe not read the story I'll post! I hope you guys haven't given up on me haha probably did.

For y'all who just began reading I'd enjoy for you guys to give me ideas for ships (I'm sorry I dislike crossmare unless it's just angst) but hope you guys have a good day, Until next time I come back someday~ Also I might stay in the fandom forever HAHA don't worry about me leaving.

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