•.[ Part 12 ].• Lust

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Did I just change horror's gender? Yes. Yes I did she's a transgender female I really wanted to put a main trans character but eh yay here! Also lime warning basically making out this is in 3rd pov

Lust slammed horror on a wall and started to deeply kiss horror. Horror and lust were skipping math due to the first fact which was math is boring and stupid AND lust was pretty horny. Horror wrapped her arms around lust's neck kissing back,that kiss started to get into a heated session. Lust licked horror's lips almost like she was desperate to lick and suck every part of horror's mouth basically asking to be let in. Horror of course let her beautiful horny girlfriend in as she opened her mouth a bit giving lust a full shot,They both fought for dominance lust won as she held horror tightly close. They had to break the kiss due to the lack of oxygen lust left butterfly kisses along horror's jawline she just let out a few moans then pushed lust away a little panting "Lusty I swear if you start eating me out right here on the lockers I will not talk to you for a week" she huffed and lust chuckled "Aweeeee finneeee but after school you're coming to my house~" horror pouted and nodded "Yeah yeah but math is ending soon let me go before I'm late to ELA" she rolled her eyes as lust laughed letting go of horror she started to laugh a little too hugging lust. Lust happily hugged back they stayed like that until the bell rang and students walked out lust let go horror so did horror and they said their goodbyes then left for their classes

Lust was writing down some notes "Lust!!" A boy walked up to her she looked at him "What?" she said unamused "you free tonight? I was hoping we could do something fun at my house~" They flirted winking at her she cringed and looked away "No I'm busy" she replied they groaned "You're always busy! I asked for the last week cmon you're supposed to be a slut~" they said grabbing her arm she groaned "Last I checked I didn't give out my pussy for random shit heads" she said looking back at him giving him a death stare they scoffed and left she sighed then continued writing down notes.

.•[ time skip ]•.

Lust sat on a lunch table waiting for horror to come after a few moments horror walked towards her and hugged her from behind lust was startled but calmed down and hugged back she then sat horror next to her and started to chat with her happily. Some people mumbled about lust as she groaned horror looked around then smiled "Heh lusty wanna go eat at the gym?" horror asked. lust smiled "Sure thing hun" they walked out of the cafeteria and into the gym and sit on one of the benches then continue eating and talking. After lunch they kiss then go to their classes until the end of the school day. then they fuck

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