•.[Part 14].• Party! /Lemon

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Nightmare walked over to dream and blue they were very excited "Oh! Nighty!" dream looked at him smiling "Mhm?" nightmare said putting the book into his backpack that killer had handed nightmare "today's the party! Blue's birthday! Dust is gonna help out with blue a bit so" He thought for a second but found himself that he would still go "oh nice" he said "Heh! We have to get going bye blue happy birthday!" dream said waving bye "Bye!!" Blue said back and running to dust after then tackling him. Dream and nightmare walked to their house when they got there nightmare put his backpack on the couch as dream walked to the kitchen grabbing some chips "are you going to the party?" dream asked "yeah probably" nightmare said sitting on the couch "Great! I convinced cross to come as well!" dream said nightmare looked over "Oh really? Cool" he said "Mhm!" dream hummed nightmare looked back at the floor then suddenly realized he had to meet killer at noon he huffed "Damnit..." he looked out it was around 4:50 he got up and went to his room dream didn't mine grabbing a drink. Nightmare changed into something more casual long shirt,jeans,and some tennis shoes he did put a choker but that was choice. He went out of his room grabbing a hoodie "dreamy I'm gonna go out I'll meet you at the party kay?" nightmare said opening the door "oh okay brother!!" dream said.

Nightmare walked back to the school and over to the hill where killer wanted to meet up he sat against the tree 10 minutes later killer got there and sat next to him "So?" nightmare said looking at him "sooo" he said back "...I'm gonna go to the party are you gonna go too?" nightmare said "eh.. yeah I guess" killer said laying his head on nightmare's head nightmare just huffed taking out a book. Killer looked over at him "you gonna read again nerd?" he chuckled nightmare just huffed "Yes.. Yes I am" He began to read the book to himself killer just sighed and read along about 30 minutes past andddd they had stopped reading 20 minutes before and just talked. "Pffthaha! What!? No way C actually did that!?" nightmare laughed "Pfft! Yeah it was hilarious everyone started to call him shitbird!" Killer said laughing nightmare laughed along him "Bahaha! I remember this one time well in 9th grade me and dream got in trouble for burning one of the trees near our house" Nightmare said "Woah how did you burn a tree?" killer said "Wellllll it was dream's birthday and I was about to light a candle before dropping the flame andddd yeah the tree was right next to us plus that flame was pretty big" He chuckled killer chuckled along him "pfft yeah you're clumsy aren't you?" he said nightmare just huffed "maybe" "Pfft okay nighty"

"Anyways do you want to head to blue's party?" killer said "Mm maybe it might be lame though seeing how it's blue's party" nightmare said putting the book down. "Pfft what? No! Dust helped blue theres gonna be beer,pizza,candy,more beer, not to mention dust invited almost everyone and some people are just freaky~" killer said nightmare stayed silent "Beer...? Alcohol..? SHIT DREAM'S GONNA TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT!" nightmare quickly got up "CMON WE'RE RUNNING KILLER" He quickly grabbed killer's hand pulling him up before he could say anything and running to the party. "Soooo what's dream gonna do?" killer asked running with nightmare "Dream's never been allowed to have beer but she really wanted to and now that I'm not there she might have took advantage of that!" Nightmare said running killer just laughed. Once they got there nightmare opened the door and... fuck he was already late dream had... 9 BOTTLES!? He sighed she was out of it she had her arm around cross's neck probably saying some weird shit cause he looked kinda weirded out and worried for dream. Nightmare huffed as killer went in too there was a lot of... stuff going on killer just looked at nightmare "We late?" killer said nightmare looked at him "Yeah... she's black out drunk" he huffed looking down annoyed killer just chuckled walking to the tabling not very far from the entrance and grabbed some beers "well? You're sister is already drunk as fuck so why not?" nightmare looked at him unamused but groaned then grabbed a bottle "fine whatever" he huffed "awe you grumpy we didn't come here in time?" killer chuckled opening the bottle "Well! Hmph.. yeah" nightmare said opening his bottle as well "Cmon nighty calm down nothing bad is gonna happen to her" he laughed nightmare sighed a bit again then nodded calming down and taking a sip of the bottle killer did the same.

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