•.[Part 13 ].• Upcoming party!

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'Well!! This weekend wasn't so weird pretty normal! Unlike that time I went to the movies.. bleh' nightmare thought A week has past and nothing new happened but! It was almost blue's birthday and dream,ink,cross,and nighty planned it! Well.. mostly nightmare only agreed and thought of the cake but besides that he didn't get into it much so he wasn't sure what it would be like but seeing how it's blue he didn't expect anything bad. Back to the present! Nighty walked to his locker as blue and dream were discussing everything following along him. He grabbed his books and walked to his class "Cya dream,blue!" He left as they waved bye at him but on his way he stopped by cross he was kinda nervous? "Hey what's up cross?" Nightmare asked curious why he was sweating "H-Hey nightmare I uh.. wanted to ask about.. uhm.. sex" nightmare got surprised blushing a bit "O-Okay..? What..?" he asked cross looked away blushing "I-I uh thought you'd know you read books and seem pretty smart but u-uh.... what does sex feels like..?" He asked nervously night chuckled a bit "Well.. uh sex mostly feels like a warm feeling kinda sharp feeling? But it should feel pretty good for male and female maybe some stings but yeah it's a thing much do to please themselves or their partner its supposed to feel really good" Night said "O-oh okay! Thanks nighty" Cross left as night blushed at the nickname and went into class.

After class ended he walked out going to his next class until killer pinned him on the wall 'damn here we go again..' nightmare thought to himself "you've heard of blue's party right? Well of course you did why wouldn't you" He looked away "whatever nighty are you going?" killer asked "uhm...maybe if dream goes" nightmare said nervously. Killer nodded walking away nighty huffed going inside the class after that class ended he ran to the cafeteria and waited for dream or cross to come. After a while of waiting neither one of them came he sighed until he felt someone grabbing him he quickly panicked but no one seemed to help him... who is grabbing him!? He kept fighting back until he was brought outside going to only one path.. he instantly knew who grabbed him and where they were going. He stayed quiet and slowly stopped fighting he didn't know why but this spot always made him feel comfortable no matter what.

He was thrown against a tree with a 'oof' he looked around it was a hill far but near the school it was pretty not much people in even knew it existed because it hid behind many MANY trees so no one bothered besides nightmare and....killer. He looked up at killer with so much emotion... sad,surprised,happy,angry,confused,and guilty.... "W-What do you want... why are we here...!?" Nightmare asked looking down killer looked at the sun "can we meet here.. in the afternoon..? Pfft.. it was always prettier right?" He leaned down next to nightmare he scooted away a bit and looked back at him "Why...?" nightmare asked "Because..! I wanted to... just... talk to you peacefully.. like before" killer said scooting closer "OH YEAH THAT WAS BEFORE YOU LEFT ME ASSHOLE!" He smacked killer. Killer just rubbed the wound nodding sadly "Yeah Ik... I just.... please just this one time.... I didn't want to..." killer looked down nightmare just looked at him staying quiet "...fine dumbass...." nightmare said scooting against the tree saying nothing as killer looked up and watched him

"H-Here!" Killer gave nightmare a book it was a fantasy book.. holy shit isn't this the one that's almost 300 dollars because of the quality!? Nightmare looked up at him surprised "K-Killer this is expensive!!" He said surprised but also still guilty "W-Well yeah but I hopped you'd like it.." killer said scooting closer next to him "w-well yeah.. I'd like this book but... cmon killer.." nightmare said killer only chuckled "cmon read it for me nighty!" He gave night a comfortable smile nightmare looked at him blushing slightly then sighing "Fine." he said before reading the book out loud. Killer smiled and sat closely to him reading the words that night spoke out loud. The book was expensive not only because this book hit the seller point but also because the designs were professionally made with expensive uses this made the book more prettier but also rougher so it didn't tear and for a strong ass book it was looking like pure magic. It was a fantasy book of course the front cover of the book was mixed with gold sparkles and a fading galaxy tone on each ends along with gold moons carved into the book cover. The sides had tree like designs popping out along the cover and book. Looked like a spell book ngl it had a girl in the front she looked peaceful having water signs around her.

Killer leaned on nightmare still reading along almost a hour or 2 past nightmare didn't notice until he got a text from dream asking where he was. He quickly stopped and got up moving killer aside "W-We skipper school!?!?" nightmare said worried "uhm... maybe?" killer said getting up patting himself down "I-I have to go then dream must be worried" nightmare said killer nodded but grabbed nightmare's hand giving him the book nightmare took it and ran back to the school as killer just walked behind him.

(( yeah uh killer and nightmare are totally gonna have sex at the party

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