After forever(part 17)

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((lime- making out basically so yeah also if not known we take idk 3rd pov)) also like- they're just making out I needed something to distract myself 😒

"p-pfft killer...!" nightmare giggled, letting out a quiet moan along with it. Killer was happily teasing nightmare's neck and letting his hands go around nightmare's body. They weren't at school which nightmare was thankful for except they were at home... and if dream was home he wouldn't even be touching killer right now, because he felt disgusted for no real reason. Killer pulled away and grabbed nightmare roughly, quickly pushing him on his bed and crawling above him "Haha..~ you're adorable nighty" he smirked and gripped his face, nightmare only blushed as the reaction because he loved rough touches by killer, it gave him some sort of excitement or it was because he was suicidal but that's another story.

"Hm~ stop being such a baby killer~~" nightmare smirked and wrapped his legs around killer's waist "come onnn you know you wanna take me~ I want you..~~" nightmare kept up his play, killer chuckled, he was flustered but didn't take nightmare to be the flirty type. "Well that'll just take the fun away~!" killer caressed nightmare's cheek as he pouted "for you" nightmare whined, he couldn't do anything though because his hands are tied

They heard a knock on the door and killer was quick to react sadly though the knocker decided to let themselves in and see the sexual sight "Nightmare mo-! O..h...." dream blushed and quickly got out the room, "A-Ah so... mom decided to visit...!" dream said, his face as yellow as the yellow color wheel

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