Part 16

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finally haha, I might redo those other stories if I feel like it but here we are! I have something just for this story- at least lmao enjoy my dead return maybe not return no promises

After that moment with killer... nightmare only thought and thought... why? why??? why?! Why did killer make him feel like that if he was still gonna just... hurt him...? he wanted to talk about it, he wanted to address the issue and fast.. That upcoming weekend on the first day nightmare looked around the school for killer, luckily he found him hanging around the school with his small gang... he seemed like nothing has happened! Nothing?! Why is he...?! he thought to himself afraid, he quickly went up to killer. Killer only gave off an awkward smirk "Awe hey fucking dumbass~ what're you doing here you shit hole" he grinned, the same kids who talk behind nightmare's back only mumble, this made him nervous and looked between killer and them. "Why... why are you doing this?!" he said, he didn't wanna be dramatic but he sure of hell was gonna have to if he didn't get an answer, killer only played with nightmare... was his feelings true? What those actions represented... were they true or did killer just wanna give him one hell of a mental beating? Killer laughed "Do what? Awe do you mean play with you~?" he smirked, nightmare shook his head, almost shaking, why wasn't it real? Was it a dream? what happened...? "Pfft don't worry about it nightlight~ how about we just keep 'that' between us? Wouldn't want my little friends finding out huh..~?" he said,whispering it to him. Right.. they were there and watching... they could only bring both of them pain no matter how nightmare protested... he sighed shakily and quickly grabbed killer's arms, he had to do it NOW "Shut your fucking mouth we're talking now or we're never talking again" he narrowed his eyes, killer widened his eyes, he cared about nightmare... he really did... losing him like that...? No... his work... he could never so he followed nightmare.. he knew what he wanted... he was stupid and he is stupid but he only wanted to protect both of them...

Once they got outside, no one in sight nightmare quickly let himself down, he cried and sobbed just so he could manipulate killer into answering him, he wanted to know, why did he hurt him, why does he act like he has no fucking balls?! "F-Fuck you...! Y-You left me like this and just... pretend nothing happened?! Did nothing happen to you?! Or was it just something so you could have fun for a little?!" He said, wiping his tears only for them to appear a second later, killer sighed and hugged him, nightmare wanted to push back but couldn't, he knew he really also wanted to hold him again, holding like that night, holding him like when they were kids... they would stay together forever right.,,? that's what they promised... what he promised... "would..... we'll stay friends at least...? Would you.. stop.. being mean to me and.. would you just love me...?!" nightmare said, looking up at killer. Killer smiled softly and wiped nightmare's tears "Nightmare... I just... I just wanted to protect you... if I had led the group it would be my choice... you wouldn't be... beaten up like that before... they..." he looked down, it was stupid.. the thought was stupid when he had made that idea in his middle school years. He could have let himself be the punch bag but.. especially be night's forever knight, his knight in shining armor like he was all those years back but he wanted to take care of himself as well... he felt so guilty.

"Nightmare..... I'm was a stupid idea and I was in middle school... I just.. stuck to it and I didn't want to hurt you...! I just wanted to protect you in the safest ways possible....!" He said, he felt very guilty, he wanted to disappear, he felt so bad but that was until nightmare had caressed his cheek, moving in front of him so he caught killer attention.. "pfff... your eyes were always unique..." he flirted with a small smirk, this got a quick giggle out of killer "Kills... I understand it now... can we though just... we're in highschool so... I was thinking we could mature... please be by my side again kills... I missed you..." nightmare said, taking killer's hand which he instantly held back, nodding

(( I'm on a roll of stories HahHa ANYWAYS, please check out my one shots as well ;000 I feel a bit proud on that ha!

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