•.[Part 15].• FR FR REAL PART 15

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look it's my oc! :D I'm changing her color scheme anyways should I add her to the story? Also I'm not taking 'whatever you wanna do!' it's a yes or no question :]

Night woke up slowly opening his eyes but before that he could feel someone,at first he thought it was dream cause y'know it's his brother but once he woke his eyes he looked up only to be seen with.....killer..? He soon realized he was also naked.. fully.., he began to freak out and sat up quickly this also woke killer and he began to stir awake "Night...?What... what happened!?" killer asked shocked,night just stayed silent they BOTH stayed silent. Night quickly got up,getting changed into clothes then running down to the living room. Killer did the same and chased after night who was now freaking out on the couch, killer sighed and hugged him night only flinched before hugging back "...what happened....?" he asked killer just looked away sighing "I-I think we fucked...." no shit killer anyways I'm holding this chapter on pause I feel sick and stuff also I'm getting busy with school cause of the testing but I'll add small fun stories like the emo night or just something stupid

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