The end

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So this book is.. well gonna be unfinished as much as I hate to say it but I literally made this book a LONGGGGG time ago and as much as I don't wanna discontinue this I have to; sadly I did let down a bunch of ships I never completed but I'll try to put in some good endings personally I hate when books end when this book is honestly lost with my own twists so sorry for letting y'all down with my 'I'll continue this' I couldn't guarantee that but I have a few more books I'm teaching myself n stuff LOL but here I'll lay down what I assume will happen in the future so we can have a.. semi good ending

Nightmare returned to the arms of killer, laughing happily; he was wearing a beautiful wedding ring, it wasn't rich but it was nice and shiny, killer and nightmare had gotten married forgetting life before, even if it was a highschool relationship they went through problems and climbed throughout it.

"Dadddd!!! I'm hungry.." their child whined, killer laughed and picked up his child; they had adopted a small child
"Cmon you just came back with your dad, awe did he not buy you any food~?" killer teased, nightmare rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen
"No babe I expected you to cook... and you did" he chuckled and took some food to give to their child, killer put him down and shrugged "Cmon you knew I was gonna cook~"

anyways they live happily ever after.... everyone else did as well except for dust and blue; blue died HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE dust has le child tho you can create imaginations in your head✨✨✨✨

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