Why.. [ Backstory ]

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This is short. ))

"Pffthaha! What are you even doing killer?!" Nightmare said leaning against a tree watching killer play around. It was a a normal and beautiful day for the two! They were in 7th grade and it was sunset at the time while they were just talking and laughing. Killer then sat down next to nightmare "Heh! Hey nighty promise we'll stay together?" killer looked at nightmare while he just blushed at the sight of killer "Of course..! I would never leave you! I promise we'll stay together forever..!" nightmare said scooting closer to killer while killer just smiled brightly "Heh! I'm glad" killer chucked and nightmare blushed looking at him "Heh..y'know this seems kinda cheesy just saying we'll stay forever like this seems kinda childish y'know? Not that I'm complaining! I like it like this!" Nightmare said getting just an inch closer

Times like this is what nightmare loved the most...

"Heh! Understandable I get it kinda cheesy but I mean it I would never leave you without a reasonable reason and I hope you know that!" Killer said holding one of nightmare's hands. Their faces were very close only a few inches away one move foreword and it was a kiss which is what nightmare thought to himself "Y-Yah.." nightmare tried to move foreword blushing but he couldn't. Killer noticed this and kissed nightmare for him, and nightmare quickly kissed back holding killer closely like if this was the last time they'd meet. Killer pulled out and chucked blushing and nightmare just stared at him with royal purple blush and started to giggle along with killer. After a while of laughing they started to talk again completely ignoring the kiss.


sometimes....killer and nightmare think of that kiss..

"Why'd that change...? Why... Why is it like this...?"

"what happened....?"

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