New people •.[ Part 2 ].•

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Only a few seconds later the teacher walked in, writing his name on the board so some dumb students wouldn't forget... like himself "Hello class.. this will be your first class period so u come here every morning and we won't give it a huge discussion on who you are because.. we all know we don't care just introduce yourself.." the teacher said what a kill joy nightmare said but he didn't care, it's just be boring.. one after one people introduced themselves by their name before told to sit down and it didn't matter who liked what but just the names matter.. though until it hit him.. he wasn't the one to exactly stand up and say something calmly and it wasn't even something important!! Maybe he is just.. 'special'. Nightmare huffed and got up slowly "...Names nightmare..." he said quickly and sat down, he was already a bit shaken as the teacher couldn't give any damns what he felt but his brother did, he gently rubbed nightmare's arm in a attempt to comfort. It didn't help actually it only got him worried but he let out a small smile to dream, slowly nodding

I'd finally get out of class with dream following close behind "Brother my classes are different from now on, I hope you'll have fun!" dream said with a smile. wow just my luck nightmare thought, he was gonna be separated from his sister which was an easy way to get beat up, even after all those years it's still constant "Alright sister, I'll see you later" nightmare  said. He began to walk to his class and entered before he saw and heard chaos, just then he remembered who it was... fuck...

(( yay 2nd part!!! I hope you enjoy please point out any mistakes I made so I can fix it

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