Continuing part 15

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I'm tired so this is gonna be shitty

Night took a minute to process what killer had said... "W-We..." he suddenly pushed killer away "WHAT WHEN DID I AGREE- WHY DID I AGREE!?" He began to freak out again, beginning to cry "N-No I'm sorry nightmare please don't cry! I-I don't know what happened I guess we were drunk.." Night looked away and covered his face, slightly blushing. "B-But still..." killer just looked away, guilty "I-I'll just leave then..." he sighed and got his stuff before night stopped him "H-Hey.. you don't have to leave b-but have you seen my brother.?" night asked worried, he hadn't seen dream around the house yet or even cooking. Dream had always woke up early way before him to get ready, though he hadn't seen her "No.... I haven't.." killer said, looking around slightly.

"O-Oh... alright you can l-leave if you want to I'll look for dream..." night sighed, getting up and going ahead to look for her. He looked around the closets, kitchen,living room,bathrooms, and guest room before going into her room despite wanting to let her have privacy. He was worried and opened the door seeing a.... interesting sight, he gasped loudly slightly getting dream's and... cross's attention as they were halfnaked and cuddling. Night blushed brightly "SORRY!" he said before quickly closing the door and running down to the living room. He saw killer just reading on the couch as he sighed "Hey killer uh.. my brother is busy so would you like to go somewhere.?" he hesitatingly asked, killer looked at him then nodded "Where to?" he asked, night thought for a second "How about... we just go to a restaurant? I mean I am hungry so" nightmare said. Killer nodded then both got up and went to the restaurant, after picking a table they ordered a simple breakfast. After not long killer sighed "Uhm.. here's some money I'm just going back to my house" he said before handing nightmare there money and leaving, night looked down at his half finished food before leaving the money on the table and leaving as well to his house

I had an idea for this but I lost it I think? I actually ran out of ideas lol didn't really plan this to blow up

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