Chapter 4

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Hours passed in an awkward silence; I saw Rory glance at me once in a while out of the corner of my eye. It was about ten PM, and I was getting sleepy. I jumped a little when Rory suddenly spoke, "About one more hour away, I have my own car. We'll ditch this one and take that one." The only answer I gave was a small moan, telling him I was listening.

"Can you at least talk to me?" Rory asked me. "I'm tired." I mumbled. My eyes were nearly closed, and I could feel myself drifting to sleep. "You can go to sleep then. I'll wake you once we get to my car..." If Rory said anything else I didn't hear it because I drifted into darkness and quietness.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but what felt like minutes later I felt someone shaking my arm. My eyes opened and I turned my head. "C'mon, we're here." Rory said, before he exited the car. I unbuckled myself and stretched for opening the passenger door.

I looked around to get an idea of where we were; It looked like we were still driving through fields like before, but it wasn't as hilly so I assumed we were getting close to maybe a town or something. "You get a good nap, little Z?" Rory asked. I glanced over at him; he was taking some bags out of the trunk. "What did you just call me?" I asked; I had never been called Little Z. Rory closed the trunk before answering, "Little Z, I know you don't like the  nickname Zyl, so my new nickname for you is Little Z, and if you don't like that one too bad for you."

I gave out a small laugh that had a sigh mixed into it. Rory heard my laugh and pointed at me while saying, "There you go, I know I could make you laugh sometime." I smiled; it had been a while since I laughed. "Where's your other car?" I asked, changing the subject. "Once we get rid of this car, we'll get to mine." Rory answered. I was confused about what he meant until I saw him start pushing towards one of the cornfields.

"Are you going to help?" he asked. I ran over next to him and used all my strength to push the vehicle. Minutes later the car had been pushed into the field, and I had my hands on my knees while I was trying to catch my breath. "You've gotten stronger in the last eight years." Rory said, picking his bag off the ground, and slinging it over his shoulder. "Well I've kind of had to get stronger. I have been mostly on my own for the past eight years." I explained, rolling my shoulder back.

"You didn't get another partner after I left?" Rory asked, as we started walking the deserted road. "I didn't want another partner." I answered, not making eye contact because I knew how he was going to react. "What? Why?" Rory questioned, stopping in his tracks; knew it.

"Because I didn't want to get close to someone else to only end up abandoned again." I said, but once I said abandoned I knew I shouldn't have. "You really think I abandon you, Zylina?" Rory asked. There was sadness and anger in his voice, and it broke my heart even more, but I decided to tell the truth.

"Yes, I thought you left me forever. I thought I did something wrong that made you leave. I know I'm not your actual sister, but I had always looked up to you like you were my brother, so when you left I thought you didn't love me." I yelled; My voice got quiet when I said the last part. My eyes were filled with tears, my heart and soul filled with sorrow.

I felt Rory's hand on my shoulder, and I heard him say, "Zylina, I thought about you everyday when I was gone. There were some days I wanted to come back sooner, but I knew I couldn't because there were still things I needed to do before coming to get you. I know I'm not your actual brother, but from here on out I will protect you like an older brother should." I smiled at him and we started walking again. 


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