Chapter 10

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An hour later we were in the car; we haven't talked since my little negative sentence. The silence between us was on the brink of driving both of us into insanity, so I guess Rory sensed that and decided to say something. "We're only an hour away from Philadelphia." he said. I only moaned and nodded my head, which kind of ticked him off.

"Are you doing this again?" he asked, pulling the car over. "Yes, I am. If I don't wanna talk, I don't have to talk to you." I said, almost yelling; I knew I sounded like a toddler, but I couldn't help it. "Zylina, we will find your parents. We just need to go to my parents first." Rory argued back. "How do you know? All my life at the Spy Academy the boss told me my parents were dead!" I yelled. "Well, the boss lies! He lied about my family and he would probably lie about yours!" Rory argued back, trying his best to contain his frustration with me. I turned my head to the window again and didn't argue back; Rory pulled us back onto the road.

I grabbed my long brown hair and draped it over my shoulder before leaning my head against the seat with a sigh. "Little Z, I need you to trust me on this okay?" Rory said. "I do trust you, and I know we'll eventually find the truth about my parents, but I'm not sure if I want to know the truth about them." I responded, watching trees pass by my window. Rory didn't answer; he probably didn't know what to say back to make me feel better. We knew each other for long enough; he could sense my fear about the truth that I was trying to hide deep down in my heart.


An hour later we entered the city of Philadelphia, but I wasn't really amazed at the sights that stood before me. I had been there before; almost ten more times before for missions and stuff. We pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant, and Rory got out. "Stay here. I got to find my boss real quick." he said; Oh so this is where Rory works. I nodded my head, and Rory started closing the door but he stopped and said, "If you see any spies coming towards you, honk the horn." With that Rory shut the door and went into the restaurant.

After a few minutes of waiting I started playing with my hair; twirling it around my fingers and playfully blowing it out of my face. I heard a knock on the window and spun around. I sat there frozen as a middle-aged man spoke; "You alright in there?" "Yes, sir. I'm fine; I'm just waiting for my brother to come back." I answered. I was so glad in that moment that I had been trained to keep my composure when a stranger spoke to me unexpectedly. I wasn't really surprised why he asked if I was okay; it was a hot day, but, because of my training, I could withstand the heat with ease. The man nodded and left to go to his own car, and I relaxed and breathed deeply.

Moments later Rory came out and rushed to the car. He opened the car, and said, "I saw that man come over to the car. Was he bothering you?" "No, he was making sure I was alright since it's hot out." I answered, as Rory got into the driver's seat. "Thank goodness," Rory sighed. I patted his shoulder and said, "I'm alright, I can take care of myself." A chuckle escaped my mouth, and Rory chuckled right alongside me before saying, "I know you can." That gave me hope about how much he trusted me. We pulled out of the driveway and kept driving the busy city road. 


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