Chapter 21

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"Rory, we don't have much to go on here. If there are agents stationed here then we have no clue where to look for their current hideout." I said, as we walked down the porch stairs. "At least we have something." Rory said back, opening the car door. We got into the car, and he turned on the ignition.

" I guess that's true, but how are we supposed to find out where they're hiding currently?" I asked. "Do you remember how she described the twins' room?" Rory asked, back, as we pulled into a crowded street. I thought about it for a moment, before I then realized that Mrs. Shepherd had described the room to be a mess. "The room was a mess and the window was busted like someone had just busted in and took them." I quoted. "Exactly, that's not how the Academy works. Go in, leave no trace, get out. Why would they wreck up the room?" Rory answered, as stopped at a traffic light.

"Do you think they knew we would hear about it and-" "...and come investigating? Yes, I do. They're trying to lead us into a trap, Little Z." Rory finished. I smacked my forehead, and exclaimed, "How do they keep finding?" "Zylina, it's kind of obvious. We stand out from the rest of the crowd." Rory answered, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him smirk, which made me laugh a little.


That night...

I was sitting on a chair at the table in our motel room, reading newspaper clips. Rory was out getting dinner, and had been gone for about 15 minutes. Sighing in exhaustion I looked over at the alarm clock on top of the side table in between the two beds; 7:00pm. "How'd it get so late?" I mumbled to myself. I felt like I was going to fall asleep right there at the table.

The jingle of someone unlocking the door perked me up, however, and averted my eyes to the door just in time to see Rory come in with what looked like Tacos. "Are those Tacos?" I asked, getting to my feet and walking over to him. Rory laid the bags on the counter, and grabbed several Styrofoam boxes out of it. "Yes, it most certainly is. How long has it been since you had Tacos or Nachos?" he answered.

I gave out a small laugh and truthfully replied with, "Not for a while, that's for sure." "You'll love these Tacos, oh also I got you something else." Rory said, throwing something at me. I caught it and looked at it; it was a can of soda pop! "Rory, I've never had soda pop before." I responded. "I know, that's why I got it." he admitted, with a smile. I looked at the can; since I've never drank soda before I have no idea how to open it.

Sighing with frustration, I said, "Rory?" Rory glanced at me waiting for what I was going to ask. "How do I open this?' I finished; my cheeks went red from embarrassment, as I put the can out in front of me so he could grab. Rory gave out a slight chuckle, walked over to me; he took the can from my hands, and with ease, popped it open and it gave out a fizzing popping sound. "Zyl, don't be embarrassed by the fact you can't open a soda can." he sighed, placing the can back to me.

"I guess I don't know some of the few things about the "real world" because I've only stepped into for short amounts of time." I responded; I took my first sip and the fizz in my mouth caught me by surprise. "Whoa." I said, a little startled; it's delicious, and it tastes like a fizzy version of lemonade mixed with lime.

"So?" Rory asked, sitting across from me at the table with his food and his soda can. "That's really good. Wow, I mean that fizzy, slight stinging feeling when I first tasted caught me off guard." I responded, before taking another sip. "Yeah, but I'm not going to get that all the time, only on special occasions, okay?" Rory replied.

I sighed, but it made sense, we had to keep our healthy diet going and we wouldn't be able to do that if we drank soda pop all the time. " I understand." I responded truthfully. Rory smiled and we sat there talking, laughing, eating tacos, and drinking soda pop until we realized it was late and we should probably go to bed. 


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