Chapter 24

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"How do you know that they didn't recognize you?" Rory asked, when we were back at the motel. He was pacing the floor while I was seated at the table with my chin perched on my palm. "They would have had a better grip if they knew it was me. Everyone at the Academy knows how well I can get myself out of holds like that." I said.

"So if they didn't intend to try and lead us into a trap, why did they make such a mess?" Rory asked, finally sitting in the chair across from me. "Probably some rookies on their first mission." I answered. "If it's rookies we're dealing with then this should be easy." Rory responded. "Hold on Rory, some rookies can be dangerous. Cree sure was a dangerous rookie when he graduated from the Academy." I reminded him.

"One thing's for sure, Martin and Mya are being taken transported to the academy tomorrow at 11 pm. We have to think of a plan to get them out before then." he sighed, slumping his shoulders. "We were one of the best agents in the Academy, Rory. We'll think of something." I smiled, intentionally putting a bit of cockiness in it. Rory smiled back and nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to pick us up some lunch at the local diner." Rory said, getting up from the chair. I pulled out my phone and answered, "I'll stay here, and try to find out if there's any more missing kids near the area." "Alright, I'll be back soon." Rory replied. I turned and saw him grab the keys and wallet before walking out the door.

Sighing I turned back to my phone and went to my search app; I searched for missing 2-5 year old unsolved cases in Ohio. When the results popped up I was shocked; there was a list of over five-hundred missing children cases in the state of Ohio! I wanted to mumble something to myself but I was at a loss of words; did I help cause this by giving them that list?


Rory's point of view

I looked at my phone scrolling through article and article, while I was in the line of people waiting for their food. There were so many missing child cases in Ohio; how are we supposed to save them all? "Order 27!" I heard my number get called; I walked up to the counter, paid, and walked out the door with our food.

As I got to the car, and was about to open the door, my phone buzzed in my other hand. I put the food in the car, and read caller Id: Mom? I hope everything's alright. I quickly clicked the accept call button, held it up to my ear, and said, "Hello?" "Hey Rory. I just wanted to check in and see how you and Zylina are doing." replied Mom.

"Yeah, we're fine. I'm just picking up some lunch for the two of us. We're in Finlay, Ohio. " I said, getting into the driver's seat, and closing the door. "Ohio? Are you sure that's safe?" Mom asked; her voice sounded anxious, like she was scared of something in Ohio. "Yeah, I'm sure. Why? What's wrong with Ohio?" I asked back.

"Honey, that state has had over 500 missing children cases." My Mom admitted. "Wait, what?" I exclaimed in shock. Over 500 cases? I thought New York was the "recruiting" area.

"Yeah, call me when you're done with the case, just to let me know you're alright." Mom said, concerned. "I will. I promise, and, before you remind me, I'll keep an eye on Zyl." I responded. "Okay, I love you Rory."

"Love you too Mom." I answered, before hanging up, and starting the car. "500 cases in Ohio? We're not going to be able to rescue those many kids." I mumbled to myself, stress filling my veins. 


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