Chapter 29

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Martin's hand was so gentle, and so small compared to mine; it made me smile through all the pain and throbbing. We shuffled down the hall and were greeted by Rory and who I assumed was little Mya. The two were definitely twins; same colored hair, freckled skin, and sharp greens eyes.

Rory cringed at me; probably because I was covered in cuts and bruises, but he was no better. Rory had a gash underneath his hairline and it looked like there would be bruised eyes by morning. "Mya?" Martin asked, joy growing on his face. Mya smiled back and exclaimed, "Martin!" They let go of our hands and embraced each other as tightly as three year olds could.

Rory and I laughed at the two cuties, as we stood next to each other. I glanced at the gash on his head, cringed, and asked, "Are you alright?" Rory looked at me with a smirk and answered, "I got my head slammed down on a metal rim of a bed, but seriously, you should look at yourself. You probably took more of a beating then I did." I made a gesture signaling that he was right.

"Alright, let's get you two home. Is your parents house near here?" Rory asked, picking up Mya. I took Martin in my arms as well as the little boy answered, "Down the road." Martin laid his head on my shoulder, and nodded to Rory who nodded in answer. We carefully walked down the stairs with sleepy children in tow, and then exited out the front door, where the car was parked.

We laid the children in the back seat, and buckled them up, before getting into the front seats. As Rory and I slumped down in our seats and shut the doors, I tugged off my bandana, and wiped off the blood; Rory did the same. We then sat there in silence for a few moments, looked at each other, and smiled before laughing silently.

"My head hurts so badly." Rory laughed, rubbing his forehead. "Yeah, hopefully we don't have concussions. Are you sure you're up for driving?" I asked, playfully punching his shoulder.

"I'm fine; I'll make it back to the motel, but for now..." his voice trailed off, as he peered to the back seat. I turned my head and smiled, as I saw Martin and Mya snuggling with each other. "....Let's get these guys home." Rory finished, starting the engine. "I agree," I answered, sighing and looking at him. We pulled out onto the road and drove toward Martin and Mya's house.


Rory and I walked up the steps, and Rory knocked on the door before we waited. The twins were asleep in the back and I felt bad about waking them up after everything they've been through. I tensed up as I saw the door open, and saw Mrs. Shepherd appear in a robe in the doorway. "Hello, Mrs. Shepherd." Rory said. I glanced over at him, and I could tell he was also very tense.

"Oh, hello. What are you two doing here this late?" she asked. Rory and I looked at each other, before I answered, "We found your kids." Mrs. Shepherd gave out a gasp of disbelief, and stared at us like it was some kind of horrible joke, which I couldn't blame her for.

She looked at both of us, probably trying to tell if we were lying or not. "Where?" she finally asked. "In the old Riverside Apartment building." Rory responded. "Come inside while I call the police." Mrs. Shepherd said, gesturing to come inside the house.

I quickly grabbed her shoulder, and turned her around before saying, "Um, you don't need too." Mrs. Shepherd's eyes averted between Rory and me before she asked, "What do you mean?" Rory and I looked at the car, and then back at Mrs. Shepherd. "Do you mean you two already...." her voice drifted off. She walked in between as we smiled, and rushed to the car; we followed close behind.

We smiled even more as she opened the back door and gasped with excitement. Rory and I stood either side of her, as tears filled her eyes. "They're fine; we checked them for any major injuries. Martine has a small cut on his lower jaw and Mya two small scratches on her right forearms, but other than that they are in perfect condition." Rory explained.

I looked at Martin and saw his eyes were fluttering open. "Hey Martin." I whispered. Martin looked up and his eyes grew big with joy as he saw his mother. "Mommy!" he exclaimed. A moment later he jumped right into his mother's arms and almost knocked her to the ground. Rory and I shrugged at each other, and I turned my head back to the car when I heard Mya's small moan.

Martin rushed over to his twin sister and shook her. "Mya, we're home!" he shouted. Mya was instantly awake at the news and she joined in the pile with her brother and mother. "Thank you; Thank you!" Mrs., Shepherd exclaimed, as happy tears rolled down her face. I almost

"Mrs. Shepherd, we suggest you send the police to the Riverside Apartment building. The people who took the kids might still be there." Rory told her. I looked at him and said, "Rory, there's a good chance that they left already." "We should make sure, Zyl." Rory answered. I shot a death glare at him; he called my Zyl once again.

"I'll call the police, but you two need medical attention." Mrs. Shepherd; I had almost forgotten about cuts and bruises due to all the excitement and joy, but now I could feel my headache coming back through throbs. "We're fine ma'am...." I tried saying, but then I stumbled while holding my head. My throb's were getting more and more painful.

I felt Rory's hands on my shoulder, and heard his voice ask, "Zylina?" "My head's throbbing pretty badly." I answered honestly. "Yeah, the pain in my head is starting to come back too. We're headed back to the back to the motel." Rory responded, leading me back to the car. "Wait!" I heard Martin call, so I turned around seeing him coming toward me. I knelt down to eye level, and put his hands up to the side of my neck; what is he doing?

"What happened?" he asked, as I felt his fingers brushing over my scar I gained from getting the chip out of the side of my neck. Sighing and smiling, I took his small hand in mine, ruffled his hair and told him, "Just a scar from my past."

I got back up on my feet and both Rory and me waved goodbye to the family before driving away in the car. 


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