Chapter 28

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Rory's point of view

I had no idea where the spy that went down this way ended up at; it's like he vanished into thin air, which worried me a little. I was on my third door, when a small cry came from the room across the room I currently was peeking into. I tried turning the handle, but it was locked. "Zylina has the keys." I groaned. I then crossed my fingers hoping no one would hear, before kicking the door open.

A small gasp came from a bed in the corner of the room; it was a little girl with freckles, soft, shoulder-length, brown hair, and big green eyes. I could tell she was terrified, and she was trembling pretty badly. "

Mya?" I said, taking my bandana off and letting it hang from my neck.

The little girl nodded her head, and I knelt down beside her bed. "I'm going to get you out of here, alright. My friend is getting your brother, so don't worry about him?" O tried reassuring her. Mya's eyes were blood-shot from possible crying, and it reminded me of Zylina when I was leaving the Academy.

"Come here. I'll get you out." I told her, and she started to crawl to me. Mya looked up, and stopped with an even more terrified look. "What is it?" I asked, turning my head. The next moment was complete blur: a hand came down and pushed my face hard into the metal part of the bed. My forehead exploded with pain, my head shot back, and as I collapsed to the wooden floor I had to use all my strength not to black out.

As I was trying to recover from the unexpected blow, I heard Mya crying again, and I saw the man who had slammed my face on the rim of the bed, walk towards her. 

"Leave...her...alone." I groaned, pushing myself up. I felt blood streaming down from my forehead down to my jaw line. The spy chuckled, as he harshly grabbed the little girl's wrist. 

"Or what?" he tested. I ticked me off that this guy was treating a little three-year old girl like that, and I really had enough of it.

Despite my throbbing head, I put my bandana over my face, and managed to jump to my feet and right hook the man. He let go of Mya and staggered over; Mya let out a yelp and crawled back to the wall on the other side of the bed. I went into a fighting stance, and kicked the back of the man's legs and he fell to the floor. 

"Or that." I answered, smirking under the bandana. I landed one more hit on the guy's head, which caused it to collapse in a heap; knocked out cold.


Zylina's Point of View

I tried to get my thoughts back, but my jaw was in such intense pain it was nearly impossible to focus. 

"Come on Zylina." I told myself. It was too dark to see anything and I couldn't tell where the attacker was. I then felt a hand grab my collar again, and whoever it was threw me against a wall. I saw the outline of my attacker, raised my leg, and placed a hard kick to the gut.

The attacker staggered back, and I took my opportunity; I felt for the door handle and in a few moments I found it and opened the door back up. 

"Now there's a fair fight." I said, catching my breath. My attacker, a young woman, in her mid twenties, growled, and lunged toward me. Her body hit mine and we tumbled out of the room and into the hallway.

The woman was on top of me, and started punching me over and over again, pain exploding each time. The woman paused for a split second, and I wasted no time to uppercut her chin. The woman yelped and fell next to me, which gave me time to get to my knees, and land one more punch that knocked her out. My legs were shaking as I put weight on them, and stumbled into the room. Warm blood trickled down my cheek from the cuts I had gained.

Martin crawled to me and took my hand; I smiled when I saw him he was unharmed, but I had to make sure. "You alright?" I asked. Martin nodded, and we walked hand-in- hand out of the room.  


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