Of Farewells

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Note: From here on out, Cassandra and Leon (and Raihan) will eventually have last names used. I recently changed them to have last names. There is some significance to them, which you can read on my twitter!

Also, Leon and Cassandra's Pokemon now have NAMES. I also will retcon their teams all have unique names (except Charizard) while also using species' names, too. Just a heads up.


"Alright, got everything packed?" Cassandra inquired, zipping up her backpack and slinging it over her shoulders.

Beside her, Leon nodded as he stuffed the last shirt into his own backpack, zipped it up, and slung both arms through. He paused before he spoke, shuffling over to the bedpost on his side to snatch up his snapback and set it snugly onto his head. It was the same one he wore as Champion, and it fit him perfectly as always.

He flashed a wide, bright grin, "Yep! Backpack and hat are secured. Feels weird only taking a few sets of clothes, though; My Gym Challenge Mom made me a pack a week's worth."

"Yes, well, there's no Wild Area in Kalos, so we'll be able to wash our clothes regularly. Perk of a more industrial area," she snickered, tapping his cap down playfully. "We can always buy new ones and send the old back home, too--the subspace transfer systems work wonders."

"That's true, although I hope you keep the one you have now--it suits you," he smirked, eyes glancing down at her sleeveless, form-fitting turtleneck. It was a beautiful shade of blue with a darker "triangle" on the chest that was cutoff on the center back and front with a white strip. She wore dark leggings with decorative lines on the side that matched well with her silver pokéball belt, and black-and-turquoise sneakers.

She laughed, striking a pose so the golden "V" on her brown clothes showed perfectly, "What can I say? I have good taste. I see you stuck with a fun color scheme. Yellow jacket, maroon pants with white decal, white legging again; your own very nice compression turtleneck that make you look undeniably handsome--when are you not--and nothing beats your classic cap and those shoes."

"Stop, you'll make me blush," he cooed, crossing the distance to place a kiss on her lips. "But do go on; I love the flattery."

"Nope, that's all you get. Until you change, anyways," she laughed, patting his chest. "Anyways, c'mon; Mom and Dad wanted to give us lunch to take with us on the flight, and we gotta say good-bye to the others."

"Right, right... Man, it's going to feel weird leaving mine behind. I've had them since I was ten. Thank Arceus I can bring Charizard and my Haxorus."

"Yeah! It's really tough the first time, but Brenda is the best of the best, and my Pokémon fell in love fast. Yours will be in good hands," she snickered as she led the way out into the main house and then to the back porch. The caretaker in question was already out in the pastures, giving plenty of love and attention to their Pokémon. She had a good group growing with all sorts of smiles going all around. It made the redhead feel a little bad as they descended the stairs to the grassy landscape and approached. They were noticed quickly; the keen nose of her Boltund picking up their scent which made his head whip around. With a bark, he sprinted over and leaped into her arms.

"Bolt!" she laughed, hugging him close. Leon's Rillaboom came next, practically tackling his trainer in a hug as he wailed and sobbed, holding his trainer tight. The young man chuckled--a bit nervously--as he stroked and pet the large grass-type's head.

"Percival! C'mon, bud, don't cry! We won't be gone long--I promise! It'll only be like a month or two, okay? I'd bring you if I could, but you're not allowed to legally compete in the region!" he sighed, hugging him back.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now