Good Times & Good Friends

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Shalour City

"Ugh, losing at my own Gym is even worse than at the Tower," Korrina sighed, her battle against Leon over. She recalled her Hawlucha, which lay unconscious at Kay's floating body, a very proud Magneton. Leon whooped excitedly and happily accepted his Pokémon into his arms, laughing as his hair stood on end thanks to the static. Kay beeped and whirred happily, all three heads vibrating.

"Atta girl! You're always so strong and awesome!" he beamed before looking at the Gym Leader, who held out her Badge to him. "I wish I could say sorry, but--."

"It's all part of the Gym Leader's life, don't worry. Just sucks losing twice in a row like that. Then again, it is you two," she snorted, glancing at Cassandra, who waved from her spot with Leon's Rotom, which had been recording the battle as usual.

"You might want to prepare to lose three times--we still need to have a battle at the Tower of Mastery. Your grandfather finished the bracelet."

She grinned, "That he did. I plan to really go all out this time after learning from Ms. Cassandra over here."

"My bad!" the redhead called out, earning a laugh as she stood up and joined them. She held out Leon's phone to him. "Got it all recorded and it's ready to upload whenever you want."

"Okay but first, victory selfie! Korrina, join in!" he beamed, pulling his girlfriend to him. She rolled her eyes a little but relented. The Gym Leader just laughed and fell in beside the redhead, making a "v" sign as the pic was taken. Leon practically bounced on his toes, "Perfect! And good girl, Kay! You knew to come in behind me!"

The Magneton chirped, lifting up slightly in a gesture of pride. Cassandra just shook her head with a sigh. What was she going to do with that man, really? He was rubbing off on his Pokémon now. Then again, maybe he could use them instead of her for all the posting. She swore it had gotten even worse the last two days, from the Mega Evolving and just even taking photos of their meals and hotel room or anything in general. She supposed in a way it wasn't unreasonable--this was a tourist spot, and they were on a tiny vacation.

Still, it'd be nice to just be alone together and not have his fans always involved in some way.

Then again, she was probably just being a downer. She just wasn't used to being like this, that was all. She'd get used to it eventually. Probably.

"Alright, well, I'll head over to the Tower of Mastery to go prep Lucario. You guys take all the time you need but be sure to come by before sundown!" Korrina spoke, jabbing a finger their way.

"We'll be there!" Leon smirked back, and, arm wrapped around Cassandra's shoulders, they headed out the exit, making sure to avoid the other skaters in the Gym. It had been an experience working through the trial puzzle, but they'd made it through to the end and now they both had one more Gym Badge to show for it. Their training for prep had also gotten their Pokémon to evolve. Haku had achieved his final form, a Greninja, which had turned the tide of battle at the end. Leon's Poliwag had evolved, too, now a strong Poliwhirl that would either become a Poliwrath or Politoad. The former champion hadn't yet made up his mind, but the redhead had a feeling he'd go with the -wrath variant. A Fighter-type would be useful, but it was ultimately up to him. She had the items he needed, either way.

She herself was tempted to evolve Elektra. The Pikachu had a lot of experience even after being in the wild for so long, so it was probably about time. She'd have to sit down and talk with her first. With maybe a few more days Kirlia could evolve--she was plenty strong and skilled, and their line always evolved quick, but who knew; maybe she'd take her time. That left her Tyrunt, which was a bit slower to learn than the rest but made up for it in brute strength. He was clever enough, however, although she didn't know it's exact evolution method, and apparently neither had Grant if the Fossil Lab hadn't gleaned anything from him.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now