Snow & Sun

194 4 10

Frost Cavern,


Cassandra was doubly glad they bought new, much warmer, and thicker clothing as they pressed further into the freezing cold cavern. Outside had been plenty cold with the snow storm getting worse and the winds devilishly harsh near the mountain's top. Still, they had moved onwards, taking what advice they could from the Mamoswine keeper just past the bridge to the Cavern. The Pokémon in question had been acting up and refused to go near the location,, which was unusual as it loved to give rides. It was their best clue, and better still: Mamoswine were some of the biggest and toughest ice types in mountain regions. If it was worried, then there was a small list of Pokémon bigger that could cause such trouble. Still, they had to make it through the Caverns to find out what and hopefully calm it down.

Leon, thankfully, was faring better, and was happy to tuck her into his side when she shivered a little too much. She blessed him for being a walking heater despite his low body fat, and his jacket made it even better. She was also thankful he was determined to help the Pokémon, unlike before when they had gone on other dangerous ventures to "help". She was relieved, too, and hoped the Pokémon wasn't in too much trouble. Had the other Trainers maybe agitated it? That seemed feasible. If it was a powerful, even remotely "rare" Pokémon, people probably would have tried to catch it. Arceus knew even looking at a strong, moody ice-type wrong could set off a bad Blizzard.

"You doing okay?" her lover inquired, reaching over to take one of her hands and rub it; trying to help keep it warm.

She smiled lovingly, "Yeah; no hug needed just yet. I just hope we're almost to the end--the Ranger said it's only a few levels and we're on the third. At least it's been less slipping and sliding than the one back home."

"Oh, really? Something for me to look forward to when I take on Johto?" Leon chuckled as they came to yet another area with slick ice. He hummed, "You sure it was less?"

"Okay, maybe it's similar. But, yes, you have more to look forward to," the redhead chuckled back and went ahead, letting her boots touch down on the icy surface and begin to slide, no traction to keep her in place. She wavered this way and that, keeping her balance, but managed to reach the snow patch on the other side of the room, and sighed with relief. She waved for Leon who did the same, reaching for her as he approached. She latched onto his arms and helped him steady himself. Successful, they both grinned.

"Looks like there's only one way to go, and--wait... you hear that?" he inquired, narrowing his eyes towards the cavern before them. Cassandra frowned, straining to hear as well. At first there was nothing, but then--just barely; she heard it. Groans and grunts. A Pokémon. She'd heard those kinds before, too. It sounded like an Abomasnow. That would make the blizzard make even more sense, as both Trainers knew from their time in Galar's mountain range. Leon frowned, "We need to be careful--especially after last time."

"Hey, at least this round we don't have a psycho sword-wielding asshole to worry about, yeah?" she smirked in kind, and he did his best to return it, although the memory still burned. He pushed it aside, though, as they came closer, and then paused for a moment before ducking back behind an edge and peering from behind.

It wasn't a sword-wielding psycho, but, rather, three members of Team Flare, two dressed in gaudy, vermillion red suits, and one in a red and black-edged top and skirt.

Cassandra inwardly groaned.


Exactly who she didn't want to have show up. She glanced at Leon, who she could tell wasn't happy about it, but she had to look back when the Abomasnow let out an uneasy cry. She scowled, noting Team Flare were using their Pokémon to corner the Icy-Type; striking out but never quite hitting it. If they were trying to catch it, they were wasting time and energy. Rather, this looked more like torture.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now