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"We're here," Leon spoke softly, nudging Cassandra awake. She yawned deeply, lifting her head from his shoulder to stretch. He did the same, rolling his neck and more before leaning towards the window and staring down at the familiar landscape below. Small cottages to two story brick homes spread about with their little farms: rows upon rows of vegetables or flowers and the like, and plenty of Wooloo rolling about or grazing in the fields. His home stood out among the rest, having become quite lavish since his days as an aspiring Gym Challenger over a decade ago, and with the largest field where he could see their reliable Mudsdale. His father's Pokémon once, but now their hardy field plow puller who enjoyed his job in his old age.

"Oh, is that your mom working the field?" the redhead inquired, leaning over his shoulder to look, too.

He nodded, "Mmhmm. She keeps Hengroen on the right track. He can't see as well as he used to, so he needs a bit of help. Hop used to do it before he took his Gym Challenge and became an assistant to Sonia. He's a good old boy."

"It's kinda... weird, thinking he used to be a Ranger Pokémon-fighting dangerous ones in the Wild Area."

"Right?" he chuckled, glancing back at her. "I think it helped him feel useful. He was pretty depressed after Dad died. I think he blamed himself and doing this helped him get through that."

"I know that feeling," she smiled sadly. "He's lucky to have you guys for his family. Remind me to give him some treats."

"Will do! We'll have to get it in before we send him over to the neighbors to till their farm, too. He's kinda the favorite around here," Leon snickered, bracing a little as the taxi began to descend down towards the spacious lot in front of their house. Naturally, his mother and the Mudsdale noticed, and she worked fast to undo the harness for the plow and let the massive beast settle down to rest, ears flicking back and forth to listen.

Both Trainers gave their thanks to the pilot, who only said he was honored to give a ride to the "heroes of Galar and Kalos". They gave a light-hearted chuckle in response, slipping out along with their bags-right into the opened arms of Leon's mother, who squeezed her son so tight he wheezed.

"Hey, now! At least wait a while before trying to kill him!" Cassandra laughed, and laughed more as she, too, was squeezed. Her lover sighed in relief, patting his stomach, and then waited for the older woman to release the younger so he could hug his mother properly and let her kiss his cheeks and forehead.

"You're home! It's so good to see you two... are you alright, though, dear? We all saw the news in Kalos and everyone talking about what happened and then those-those videos! Oooh, that darn Lysandre! I had heard about him before and thought he was such a good man, but now he's gone and done it! He's lucky I wasn't there, or I would have clobbered him for hunting my baby!" Sophie Ramirez spoke, her inner mama-Ursaring coming forth. The two could only laugh lightly in response as she reached up to cup Leon's face gently, looking right into his golden eyes which matched her own. She was quiet for a long while, just staring, and then asked softly, "You're sure you're alright, my little Leon? Don't hide it from me, either. I know when you do."

"I, uh... yeah. We're doing okay now we're home. I think we still need time to rest, but we're doing okay," he replied, smiling softly and embraced her again, burying his face into her hair. "Love you, Mom. Feels good to be home."

"It's good to have you home... and of course you, too, Cassandra! You're doing okay, too, aren't you?" the woman called out, reaching over for the redhead, who took her hand, which squeezed hers.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now