New Friends

455 7 8


Lumiose City,

Cassandra (Mrs. Leon) Today at 2:20 PM

Hey, guys! Check out the new Pokémon we got! Well I got. Leon still only has two lmao


Raihan (D Master ;]) Today at 2:20 PM

LOL He really only has two??? How many do you have now?

Cassandra (Mrs. Leon) Today at 2:21 PM

Five ;)

Leon (Battle King) Today at 2:22 PM

Show off

Hop (Wooloo Master) Today at 2:22 PM

Lmao what a sore loser

Leon (Battle King) Today at 2:23 PM


Nessa (Water Queen And Knows It) Today at 2:24 PM

Where's Haku?????

Cassandra (Mrs. Leon) Today at 2:24 PM

Oh, he's resting while we do some shopping!

He worked hard for training which is where we found

Sasha (Ralts) and Elektra (Pikachu)! Sasha is shiny, too!

Also who the hell gave me the nickname.

Raihan (D Master ;]) Today at 2:25 PM

: D

Leon (Battle King) Today at 2:25 PM

I like it :)))

Cassandra (Mrs. Leon) Today at 2:26 PM

Pfft I bet you do, Mr. Leon.

The redhead paused, looking up from her phone to stare at the back of her boyfriend's head. She snorted, watching him check the reply.

"Focus on shopping, you dork! You're the one who wanted to check out the hats!"

He flinched then turned around to stick out his tongue, "I can't when you guys keep talking smack about me!"

"You can check later--we'll be here all day if you keep checking!"

"Yeah, yeah yeah!"

Nessa (Water Queen And Knows It) Today at 2:27 PM

Okay they're so cute, especially the Ralts! Congrats on a shiny!

But seriously, show off Haku more! I wanna see him evolved!

Cassandra (Mrs. Leon) Today at 2:28 PM

Me, too! It might be a while, he just started battling. I promise to send more pictures!

Nessa (Water Queen And Knows It) Today at 2:28 PM


Hop (Wooloo Master) Today at 2:29 PM

Any new on the mega evolution stuff Leon mentioned?

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now