The Bug Badge

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Sorry for the delay! Losing my Internet for two weeks really set me back but we're back in action!

Thank you everyone who's read and commented and left votes it means so much!!!


"Holy shit we slept so long," Cassandra rasped as she rubbed the tired from her eyes and stretched her limbs. Leon had already gotten up and was picking out a change of clothes for the day.

"I know. I didn't think we would! The jetlag wasn't even that bad!" he groaned, shaking his head. "I was hoping we could check out the city at night."

"Another time then--it's already 8 AM so we better head out... although, hmm... where should we go? To check out the Mega Evolution first or get our first badge?" she inquired, standing up to go through her own things. Her Froakie hopped onto the bed to watch her work, though spared glances to his new friends--their other Pokémon, that is, who were stretching and lounging about. Bored, as it were. They had it easiest, of course; they didn't have to worry about getting ready and making the most of their day. Sure, they technically had all the time in the world to explore, but they were both go-getters and were just excited. Their first adventure together that didn't involve saving the region--and possibly the world--and it was a whole new Gym Challenge!

"Hmm... well, we'll have to double back if we go to the uh.. Camph-y-ier town first, so Santalune then? It'd be cool to get an idea of Gym Battles here! Just watching Johto ones was so different!" her boyfriend grinned as he slipped off his shirt. Her hazel eyes ogled him, of course, taking in his pristine form--and the scars there. He'd gotten more thanks to his encounters with Sordbert and Shielbert. There were other, older ones from training with his Pokémon, and the large, lightly faded one on his abdomen where Eternatus had struck him years ago. They were a sign of everything he had overcome, and they just added to that ruggedness. She especially enjoyed the dark-colored hairs on his chest that flowed languidly down his middle--right between the abs--and then slipped beneath his pants. It was tortuous pleasure of the eyes.

When she looked back up to his face, she realized he was smirking. Her cheeks flared with heat and a red tone.

"Like what you see, huh?" he purred, flexing his pectorals and biceps.

Her cheeks went hotter, "Oh my Arceus. You know I do! We're dating!"

"I know--but I like hearing you say it," he snickered, blowing a kiss before slipping on his back up shirt.

"You're terrible," she snickered, unzipping her top to slip it off, revealing her own set of abs--of which Leon stared at, too. She had scars of her own to match on her much paler, freckled skin, but he still enjoyed it all the same. Except for one, of course; the thick, four-inch scar on her side which she obtained during their fight against the nefarious--and now dead--brothers in Galar. She returned the smirk he'd given her, "Like what you see, huh?"

A hungry glow came over his eyes, "Always."

"Tsk. No shame."

"Please--you're just as bad when we get to the foreplay."

"I--okay, yes, you're right. Still," she huffed, pulling off her bra next--she did grin a little when he suddenly grew quiet in his staring--and switched it out. Her lower half was next, and she definitely enjoyed how he struggled. Not that she was any better when he did the same thing, and she was half tempted to put off their journey a little longer to appease the growing ache. He made it even harder when he slunk over to steal a quick kiss, fingers lingering on the back of her neck and sending a shiver through her.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now