Team Flare

367 5 17


Route 7

"I'm glad we decided to wait until this morning to leave," Cassandra sighed happily, inhaling the fresh morning air of Route 7. Beside her, Leon did the same, a foolish grin on his face.

"Same--it was worth the sunrise and extra training we squeezed in."

"Yeah! I can't believe Haku evolved already," she beamed, glancing down at the minimized ball on her hip, where the now "Frogadier" rested soundly. "He's getting so strong!"

"Can't wait for Kay to do the same. She's already pretty strong, too," he beamed, patting the ball that hosted her.

"We'll want to beef up for the next Gym either way--and luckily, we got some distance. We'll need to head all the way to the mountain at the end of the route," she replied, flipping out the Holocaster to reveal the region map.

"Hmm I guess I should try and train as much as possible on this route--a tunnel won't be good for Kay, yeah? And the next Gym is a Rock type isn't it? Like Gordie?"

"Yeah; so Kay won't do well unless you want to use her for lowering defenses. You'll want to stick with Haxorus probably unless we find you a good grass or water type. Or I don't mind you borrowing Lucas."

He waved his hand, "Nah, I wanna win with my own--but I do appreciate the offer, love. I'll figure it out... oh, but I do wonder... think the next Gym town will have any clues on Mega Evolution?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure. Camphrier was our best lead... Oh! Oh, shoot, I forgot--we should let Professor Sycamore know what we found," she gasped, snapping her fingers.

"Oh, damn you're right. Here, let me text to see if he's available and we can keep moving," Leon mused, whipping out his phone to shoot off the message. Once he slipped it back into his pocket she took his hand and they headed off from their spot by the area's Daycare Center, where they'd stopped to take a mid-morning break. It'd been fun getting to watch the baby Pokémon play, some of them species they'd never seen before, while others were very familiar. It was a good location for it; the route had far more flowers and beautiful foliage after the bridge where the Snorlax has been, the aromatic scents hovering on the cool breeze. It had made training pleasurable, too, and she had to admit: Kalos really was a beautiful place. She didn't know any region that felt so tranquil and welcoming.

Leon's phone buzzed barely a minute into their walk, and the young man frowned. She chuckled, nudging him for an explanation.

"He says he'll contact us with the Holocaster," he grumbled, pouting. "I hate using that thing."

"Yeah, yeah... but it IS pretty useful--ah, that should be him now," Cassandra replied as their "gift" began to ring. When she brought it out, a button she hadn't used before was flashing, so she pressed it. The hologram mechanism sprung to life, and, to their surprise, a digitized image of Sycamore appeared, colored in blue hues, and flickering a bit. It was clear it was him, though, and to add to their surprise: it moved in time with him! It was like a video call, but three dimensional, to an extent. From the other side, it was the same image, but they could pass their hand through it and everything.

Sycamore laughed, "Never used anything like this, I take it?"

"Uh, no!" the redhead laughed. "Just video calls."

"Good! I'm glad we could surprise you. So, what do you think of it? Useful, no?"

"We reluctantly have to agree."

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now