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One Month Later

Hoenn Region,

Somewhere near Sky Pillar

Cassandra was beginning to think she was cursed.

Just a little.

Certainly, it seemed so as a deadly Dragon Pulse blasted straight overhead as Latias, who graciously allowed her to cling to her back, zipped down suddenly–she managed not to lurch too badly–to dodge the golden-colored beam and sped towards the creature that had unleashed the destructive attack.


Mega-Rayquaza, specifically.

Fate was clearly out to get her–and Leon. Their Gym Challenge in Hoenn had landed them right in time for a catastrophic meteor to come tumbling towards the region and their only hope had ended up being the Legendary dragon, summoned by a Draconid tribe woman named Zinnia who had caused problems for not only the region's champ, but Steven Stone as well. It was a situation beyond what most could handle, and with all the Gym Leaders working to try and evacuate folks, she and her lover had been called on to help. Who better than two fellow Champions, after all? Four–one reigning–Champion-level Trainers would surely be enough to manage things.

Well, here they were. Having a grand ol' time of it.

The meteor had, thank Arceus, been stopped, but from its core had unveiled a new kind of creature–an alien one. She'd never seen anything like it with its small, sinuous body made of what seemed red-and-green tendrils. It had a bipedal shape that could be mistaken for human, and, for all intent and purpose, did not seem friendly. At least, Rayquaza hadn't thought so, and began to attack the creature, which then flew back to the planet, starting the devastating battle that was unfolding before them over the vast oceans of Hoenn, the Sky Pillar not far in the distance where they'd left Stone, the Champion, and Zinnia.

So, here they were, Cassandra partnering with Latias now to try and calm the fight between the two monstrous Pokémon, and Leon with Latios and his Charizard, which had mega-evolved to even dare hope to stand a chance against the Legendary dragon and flew freely while his Trainer shouted commands. The other creature–the alien–flitted around the massive dragon, throwing attacks, but still dodging more than anything else. Frankly, if she had to hazard a guess, it wasn't trying to fight, but to flee. It was Rayquaza who wanted to destroy it completely.

"We need to try and defend the other guy or something! And maybe throw off Rayquaza! Get me close to Chara so I can give her commands, ok, Latias?" she shouted, reaching to touch the Legendary Pokémon's red-colored brow. It gave a gentle cry and filled her with a confident emotion. She hadn't heard much about the flier, but it seemed to always sense what she needed and acted accordingly, veering towards her own Pokémon, which had also Mega-Evolved and was working with Charizard to wear Rayquaza down and also ward off the alien Pokémon, too. Within range, she shouted, "CHARA! KEEP RAYQUAZA AWAY FROM THE OTHER ONE! USE ALL YOUR DRAGON MOVES, GIRL!"

The black-skinned Pokémon glanced her way, roared, and then fired a Dragon Breathe attack, which scorched the green scales of the legendary dragon. It shrieked and hissed and lashed out, only to be attacked by Charizard with a fierce Dragon Claw at Leon's command. The Trainer in question shouted, catching the redhead's attention. He only waved, gesturing to her that he got it, and so she focused on the alien Pokémon, which had stopped, either observing, or tired, she wasn't sure. It looked tired, though, that was for sure. It was slumped slightly, visibly shuddering here and there.

"CHARIZARD, LET'S GO!" Leon bellowed, gesturing to his Pokémon, which suddenly howled and flowed with energy. With a snarl it opened its mouth and unleashed a strong beam of power that hit Rayquaza straight in the face, sending it spiraling downward before re-orienting itself. Chara came in right away, flying at top speed to slam her glowing claws into its body. It shrieked in rage and pain, rushing back to attack them.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now