A New Lease Part I

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The air was cool, but not enough to be uncomfortable just outside the Ramirez' household. The moon shone on high, mixing with the dim porch light and glow from inside the abode, filtering through the windows. It gave enough to not be in total darkness, which made it easier to see the Hammerlock Gym Leader slinking from the front door, a cheeky grin on his face, and a bottle of scotch in his hand. He held it up along with three clear glasses which he gestured towards the two Trainers leaning against the brick fence separating the yard from the plowed fields where Hengroen lay about, snoozing after a hard day's work. They laughed at his antics and held up their own quarry–a six pack of bottles and a single, white bottle to go with it.

"I see you've learned how to properly hide the spirits from Mrs. Mom," Raihan mused, taking his place on Cassandra's left, leaving Leon on the right. He gave a glass to them both, of which the redhead happily accepted, but the former Champ slipped his into his pocket. Instead, he simply freed a bottle, popped the cap, and took a long drink. His companions followed in suit, the redhead filling her cup with the clear liquid, and Raihan did much the same, though his was a darker brew.

Cassandra held up her glass, "Cheers, mates."

"Cheers!" they replied in unison, clinking their drinks together, and then downed the burning fluid. A solemn quiet settled over them then, just watching the house; listening to the distant chirps and cries of Pokémon; the muted sounds of laughter and joy from the house where Hop and his mother remained watching a show, Nessa and Sonia having gone home to her lab. A good way to end the night after a wonderful dinner, filled with amazing food and conversation stuffed with laughs, playful jabs, talks of success, and more. Naturally, they avoided the full truth of things. Thankfully, discussing their Gym Challenge and becoming honorary Champions served as enough distraction from it for their friends and family–and for themselves as well.

Now the fun was settling down, and Raihan was keen to remind them some private talking was in order–with drinks, of course. An old pastime, apparently, as Leon told her once they got outside. Ever since he and Raihan had finally made up in their friendship, they'd made a "pact" to share drinks whenever they needed a good venting session, and she was honored to be a part of it–and to be considered a good enough friend.

"So," Raihan began, swirling his glass slightly, eyes almost glowing blue as he looked their way, "Kalos."

"Kalos," Leon replied, setting his empty bottle on the cobblestone wall.

Cassandra sighed, "Beautiful place. Lots of Pokémon. Fun. And clusterfuckery. So, about the usual in every region, I swear."

"Don't we know it," the Gym Leader chuckled. "So. What really happened?"

"Well, you know how gnarly Eternatus was, right?" the purple-haired man inquired, and his friend winced.

"Ah. You ended up in the hospital?"

"Not as serious of wounds this time–But to be honest, Xerneas healed us some. Not fully but enough."

"Stopped the petrification," the redhead added, and the Gym Leader almost choked on his drink.

"The what?"

"Yveltal has an attack that turns you to stone–steals all your life. Just like the legend," Leon answered, gaze crestfallen. "The attack–some kinda energy beam–got us both on the legs and it must have just grazed us, because it started slow and wasn't immediate. Not sure when it happened. We were too busy running. Our Pokémon tried to buy us time, but our legs started turning to stone."

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now